Was she falling for the man she’d loathed, the one she’d sworn not to trust? It was a possibility she didn’t even dare entertain.
“Are you there,moya zolotaya?” her father asked.
“I’m here,pápochka. I need some time to think, to see what Lyon will do next. In the meantime, are you all right? Truly? You sound tired."
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m fine. I’ve simply been worried about you,” he said.
“Don’t. I know what I’m doing.” She didn’t know when it had become a lie, but it felt like a necessary one under the circumstances. “Keep my call between us. I’ll be in touch.”
“Kira — ”
“I have to go now. I love you, Papa.”
He sighed. “I love you too.”
She disconnected the call and worried her lower lip between her teeth.
She and Lyon had slept together every night since they’d been in Brooklyn, their passion leaving them limp and satiated, neither of them willing to talk about what — if anything — was between them.
Maybe it was because he felt nothing, their lovemaking nothing more than physical release. But she didn’t think so. She saw something new in his eyes when he looked at her now. Something warm and familiar. Or maybe that was her, projecting her own feelings onto the man she’d thought of as cold as steel only a few weeks before.
She sighed and put down the phone. It was all too complicated. She only knew that leaving Lyon didn’t feel like an option.
And that was a serious problem indeed.