Page 16 of Last Chance

“Let’s check it out,” Declansaid.

They made their way up the walk and ascended the stairs to the stone porch. The keypad at the door was a reminder that they were entering Syndicate property, the security protocols designed by people who saw potential riskeverywhere.

Good. Another thing they had incommon.

Declan entered the code Nolan Burke had given him. The door opened with a quiet click and they stepped into a triple-height foyer with flagstone floors. Declan flicked one of the switches on the wall and a minimal chandelier lit up far overhead, illuminating a staircase with a black iron banister leading to the secondfloor.

Shadowed rooms lurked to the right and left. He flipped the rest of the switches and blinked against the light, a shock after the blackness they’d been driving in for the past threehours.

To their left was a room that looked like a study or library, cedar-lined shelves filled with books. He turned his attention to the room on the right and saw that it was a cavernous space, raw wood beams crossing the vaulted ceiling under the house’s pitchedroof.

“This is unbelievable,” Kate said, walking into the room, her eyes drawnupward.

“It’s quite a house,” Declanagreed.

Nick and Declan dropped the bags and Declan followed Kate into the room. Declan had told her they were staying in the vacation house of a friend of a friend, and he was glad she hadn’t asked more questions. They had a no-secrets policy in their relationship, but in Declan’s line of business there were secrets and there was information that could send you toprison.

Sometimes it was hard to tell thedifference.

He wasn’t about to tell Kate anything that could compromise her should MIS get into trouble with the law again. They had provisions for that eventuality — new identities and passports, money stashed in numbered accounts all over the world — but Declan was all too aware that there was no guarantee they’d have the luxury of running if things wentsouth.

Julia and Alexa were in MIS up to their eyeballs, a decision they’d advocated for with Ronan and Nick. Someday Kate might want to know more too. Declan might decide to tell her more. But she was the mother his son. He wanted to keep her clear of legal jeopardy as long aspossible.

His eyes were drawn to the wall of glass he’d spotted from the driveway, its exposure a contrast to the cozy cedar paneling on one of the otherwalls.

“We should make a trip to the market tomorrow,” Nick said, wandering into the gourmet kitchen, open to the rest of the great room. “Doesn’t look like takeout will be an option aroundhere.”

“I can do that,” Katesaid.

“Not alone you won’t.” The words were out of Declan’s mouth before he could stop them, and Kate turned to scowl at him. “Can’t afford a false sense of security. Being in the middle of nowhere doesn’t mean we’resafe.”

He almost held his breath. Now that they were here, he couldn’t help wondering if Kate would stick to their agreement and follow his lead or go rogue. It wouldn’t be intentional, but even she would argue that she was used to giving orders rather than takingthem.

She nodded. “You’re right. Two of us can make the trip into town then. We can stock up so we won’t have to do it again for awhile.”

He wondered if his relief was written on his face. Maybe they’d be able to compromise after all. To balance his need to keep Kate safe with her determination to do everything her way. “Soundsgood.”

She turned toward the wall of glass, reflecting the light from inside the house. “I can’t wait to check out the view from this room tomorrow. I bet it’sgorgeous."

Nick turned off the kitchen light and walked back into the living room. “The only view I want right now is the back of my eyelids. I’m beat. I’m going to claim a room andcrash.”

He headed for the bags in thefoyer.

“Night,” Katesaid.

He stomped up the stairs and Kate closed the distance between her andDeclan.

She slid her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “What about you? Youtired?”

He knew from the spark in her eyes what she was really asking. “Not too tired for what you have inmind.”

She laughed. “How do you know what I have inmind?”

He grinned. “Really?”

“Okay, you’re not wrong,” she admitted. “I’m a bit keyed up from all the travel. I’m sure I’ll be ready to crash after a hot showerthough.”

Desire rushed through his veins at the thought of her, naked and wet, her skin sliding against his. He lowered his head to kiss her. “A hot shower huh? That sounds promising,” he said against herlips.

She leaned her head against his chest and sighed. “Thankyou.”


“For agreeing to let me come,” she said without looking at him. “It means a lot to me to behere.”

He held her tighter, trying not to feel like it was only a matter of time until playing it her way cost themboth.