Page 55 of Last Chance

She didn’t register the pain of hitting the floor, only a burning sensation in her chest, and then, more gunfire, this time coming from right outside thebedroom.

The man who’d fired on Beth hit the floor with a heavy thud, and then Declan and Beth were leaning overher.

“Oh my god… oh my god… Kate…” Beth was looking with horror at Kate’schest.

“I’m okay,” Kate croaked. And she was. A comforting numbness had settled over her limbs. It was like the moment right before sleep, the moment when everything else dropped away and you knew peace was on itsway.

“Call 9-1-1,” Declanordered.

Beth’s face disappeared fromview.

Declan lifted Kate’s head onto his lap. “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m here. You’re going to be okay. The ambulance iscoming.”

“Griff… mymom…”

“Shhhh… they’re fine. Save your energy,” hesaid.

She struggled to get the next words out of her mouth. “Don’t shhhhme.”

He laughed and it caught on something like a sob. “I love you. I love you somuch.”

“I love you. Tell Griff I love himtoo.”

She closed her eyes. Everything was okay. Her family wassafe.

She was loved. She hadloved.

As she lost consciousness, she realized that was all that had evermattered.