Page 53 of Last Chance

“I can’t believe that fucker wasn’t there,” Nicksaid.

“A timer,” Declan said. “The light in the living room is on atimer.”

He couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid. They should have confirmed that Ferguson was inside the house. The fact that the man had so far been a slave to routine was noexcuse.

Declan had dropped the ball, and it might cost Kate and Griff theirlives.

No. That was impossible. He wouldn’t allowit.

He hit the private road leading to the Walsh estate, the stretch of asphalt leading almost to the water before it stopped at thegate.


But as soon as he hit the brakes he knew they were toolate.

“Fuck,” Ronan said, removing his weapon from itsholster.

Declan was out of the car, his own weapon drawn, before Ronan could open thedoor.

Rain pelted his face and body as he advanced, gun at the ready, on the SUV parked near the gate. One of the doors was open. The man in the driver’s seat had his head tipped back like he was resting, a dark round wound on histemple.

“Where’s the other one?” Declanasked.


Declan stepped away from the car and moved to join Nick, standing over a body face down on thepavement.

Nick bent to hold a finger to the man’s neck. “Dead,” he said a few secondslater.

Declan hardly heard him. His eyes were on the gate leading to the Walshhouse.

It wasopen.

* * *

“Mom! Mom…”Kate shook her momawake.

Her mom’s eyes flew open. She was instantly alert. “What’shappening?”

“Someone’s in the house,” Kate whispered, Griffin sleepy at her side. “You have to hide withGriff.”

Her mom almost leapt out of bed, her face calm. “Have you calledDeclan?”

“No time. And I don’t want to make noise. But I think he knows. I think he’s on the way.” She was already leading her mom to the walk-in closet between the master bedroom andbathroom.

“Mommy…” Griffin saidsoftly.

Kate bent so that she was at eye level with him. “Shhhh, buddy. Remember what I said? We have to be quiet. We have to hide until Daddy getshere.”

She opened the closet door and pushed her mom and Griffinside.

“Hide as best you can.” Kate shoved Griffin toward her mother, her throat closing with emotion. “Block the door if you can. I’ll keep them away until Declan getshere.”

Her mom clutched at Kate’s arm. “Katie…?”

“I’ll be back. I have to getBeth.”

Her mom hesitated, then dropped herhand.