Page 49 of Last Chance

That part she tried not to thinkabout.

“We’re done,” Declansaid.

Kate nodded, fear settling like a boulder in the pit of her stomach. “Is it a goodplan?”

They both knew what she was asking:is it safe? Will you make it outalive?

But Declan wasn’t a liar, and he wasn’t someone to offer falseassurances.

“It’s as good as any plan can be. We never know until we get inside.” He looked down at her. “Can you live withthat?”

Could she live with it? Not just tomorrow night but for the rest of her life? Could she live with knowing Declan going to work might also mean he went to jail? Or worse, that he wouldn’t come back to her atall?

The answer was shockingly simple. She could live with it because the alternative was living without him, and that she would never againdo.

“I can live withit.”

He lowered his mouth to hers, sweeping her lips into a lingering kiss. His tongue was like velvet, skimming over hers as he held her face in his hands. He tipped her head and the kiss grew feverish, his shaft hard against herstomach.

Heat blossomed between her thighs, the cold outside the blanket nonexistent even as the wind blew through her hair, rushing through the leaves of the trees at the top of thecliffs.

The storm rolling in from the ocean was nothing compared to the storm that was coming, and she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist, flattening her body against his, wanting to memorize the safety of his arms, the press of hislips.

He felt like family. Like home. Like the last chance she hadn’t known she’dneeded.

What they had felt fragile, like it could be taken away in aheartbeat.

She thought of their baby, already growing inside her. She would keep the faith for Griff and the new life they’d created, for the future that was waiting for them on the other side of tomorrownight.

Declan’s hands traveled down her neck, across her shoulders, leaving sparks in their wake. A vacuum of need opened up inside her, clamoring for him to fill her the way only hecould.

He broke the kiss and looked down at her, his eyes burning with the promises he wouldn’tmake.

She shook her head and forced a smile. “Don’t say anything, Dec. Just take me tobed.”

He pulled her close. There was nothing else to say. They’d said itall.