Page 31 of Last Chance


She stood in silence, letting the warmth of his naked body heat her skin, lost in the mystery of the skyabove.

She felt small. She felt big. She felt like everything. Just like Declansaid.

But not just her. All of them. They were all part of the same strange enigma that was life. Watching the ethereal colors bend and twist overhead, she realized there was no hope of figuring it allout.

She suddenly didn’t know why shetried.

She didn’t even know what questions to ask anymore. Didn’t even know if they mattered. She was just one instrument in a strange orchestra, an invisible conductor leading them through movement after movement, the music somehow beautiful even when she didn’t know which notes were comingnext.

Declan thought she was strong, but strength was more than intelligence. It was more than knowing how to lead people, how to make decisions. It was even more than resilience, thanfortitude.

Strength was having the courage to stand tall on the ground of the things you knew — and to stand strong in the face of the things youdidn’t.

It was being brave enough to letgo.

She turned in Declan’s arms, her eyes combing the face of the man who was every bit as beautiful to her as the ripplingsky.

“Do you remember when we went to the Bahamas, and you told me after that, it would be you and me? Forreal?”

He nodded. “That was ourdeal.”

“You’ve lived up to it,” she said. “I haven’t, and I’msorry.”

He held her face in his hands. “You have nothing to apologize for, Kate. You and me for real doesn’t mean smooth sailing. It means we get through the stormstogether.”

“You’re right. You’ve always been right.” She slid her hands around his waist and looked up at him. “It’s you and me, Dec. For real. So tomorrow, do what you have to do to come back to me. That’s all thatmatters.”

He lowered his head, crushing her lips under hers. Then he swept her into his arms and carried her back to bed, the night sky still ripplingoverhead.