“But only because we wanted to share before Robin and Nina leave,” Moirasaid.

Amy put her arm around Moira. “Our last round of IVF didn’t take, so we’ve decided to throw in the towel on thatfront.”

“Oh, honey… I’m sorry,” Karensaid.

“Thanks,” Amy said. “The funny thing is, we started the adoption process a few months ago, just in case, and literally the day after we made the decision to stop IVF, we got word that a little boy was in need of ahome.”

An excited murmur rose in the group as what Amy was saying started to sink in. She reached behind her and pulled something off the bookcase. “His name is Marcus, and we can’t wait for you to meethim.”

She handed something to Karen, and Nina saw that it was a photograph. They huddled around it and all the tears Nina had been holding back spilled down her cheeks when she saw the little boy, somewhere around eight years old, with curly black hair and lovely dark skin and a shy smile that made Nina want to scoop him into herarms.

“He’s had a rough time,” Amy said, her voice cracking a little, “but he moves in next week, and we’re looking forward to having him complete ourfamily.”

“Brother!” Ruth poked her finger at thephotograph.

Moira smiled through her tears. “That’s right. That’s Marcus, your newbrother.”


Then everyone was hugging and laughing and crying, and Nina couldn’t help thinking that Angela had been right: happy beginnings were the best ofall.