Other than Liamand her parents, everyone Nina loved was in the house. Amy and Karen sat on the sofa with wine glasses in their hands while Ruth toddled around the room, handing out toys only to take them back less than a minute later. Moira drifted in and out, removing empty trays of food and placing full ones on the coffee table, patiently answering Angela’s questions about her job at the restaurant. Nina sat next to Robin, only half-listening to her conversation with Moni about a new line of tribal-inspired jewelry being launched by Moni’scousin.

It might have been any potluck night, one in the long line of evenings they’d spent together, sharing food and wine and joy and sorrow and victory and failure. But it wasn’t just any night, it was Nina’s last, for the next four months atleast.

Robin would be gone just as long, but she was used to saying goodbye. Nina, on the other hand, had the frantic desire to cling to everyone in the room. It was a feeling that had arisen often in the month since she’d accepted WFAI’s offer to shoot the India project. She’d felt it during every moment with Liam, during every shopping trip with Karen and every day at the gallery with Moni. She’d known she loved her life even before accepting the job with WFAI, but it had never been clear just exactly how precious everything was to her until she had to saygoodbye.

It seems to be a universal truth that some things can only be fully appreciated with a littledistance.

She and Liam had grown even closer, their impending goodbye making every moment more meaningful. He’d been understanding about her decision to take the job, albeit disappointed, and they’d talked at length about their schedules and potential windows for visits. They’d made countless trips to photography supply stores where he’d pointed out the equipment she would need, advising her about which items were good investments of her own money and which should be paid for by WFAI as unique to the project. He’d even given her a crash course on packing for long-term location shoots and a free pass to call him any time of the day or night if she neededhelp.

Most of all, they’d talked and laughed and made love and talked some more. Her decision to take the India job instead of going to South Africa had freed her of her earlier worry that she would lose herself, and the wall she’d erected to maintain some emotional distance from him had slowlyfaded.

She still didn’t know what would happen — no one ever did, even when they tried to convince themselves otherwise — but she knew she loved him, and so did he now that she’d finally confessed her feelings. It wasn’t the happy ending she’d imagined when she was a little girl, but maybe that was the point of it all. Maybe if you stayed open to the possibilities, the universe served you up something even better than you couldimagine.

“Why do you look sad, AuntieNina?”

Nina looked up to see Angela standing next to the couch, looking at her with concern. “DoI?”


Nina reached out to take her hand. “I was thinking that this isn’t the happy ending I expected, but it’s one I’m glad Igot.”

“Happy endings are kind of dumb anyway,” Angelasaid.

“You think so?” Ninaasked.

Angela nodded. “Happy beginnings arebetter.”

Nina smiled. “I can’t argue with youthere.”

The clink of silver on crystal drew Nina’s attention to Amy, standing with Moira at the front of the livingroom.

“Attention everybody,” Amy said. “I know we’re a small group, but we are also a — ahem — loud one, and Moira and I would like to make atoast.”

“Two of them actually,” Moira chimedin.

Amy nodded. “Tonight we say farewell to not one, but two of our esteemedmembers— ”

“Say it isn’t so!” Karen said dramatically from the sofa. Moving in with Doug hadn’t dampened her charisma, but she seemed more relaxed these days, her previously frantic energy tamped down to something moresustainable.

Amy laughed and looked at Robin and Nina. “Robin, Nina, you’ll be missed, but I trust you’ll be back with lots of greatstories.”

“And hopefully some textiles,” Moira said. “If you can fit any in your bags, Imean.”

Amy sighed. “Yes, please do smuggle a tablecloth or two home for Moira if you can swingit.”

“We’ll do our best,” Robinsaid.

“Nina, we’re all so proud of you for earning this opportunity, and for taking this chance,” Amy said. “I’ve always known you were strong, but over the past two years, you’ve become fierce. We love you and we’re proud ofyou.”

Nina smiled, nodding her thanks when she didn’t trust herself tospeak.

“And Robin, you’re pretty awesome too,” Moiraadded.

Robin laughed. “Gee,thanks!”

“And now, at the risk of of highjacking your night, Moira and I have a little announcement of our own,” Amysaid.