Nina didn’t moveas the credits rolled on the thriller she and Liam had watched with takeout Thai food. The music, dark and moody, filled the room and eventually faded to silence, the TV returning to its defaultscreen.

Liam reached for the remote and turned it off, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to move as he tightened his arms around her and kissed herhead.

She sank into him, the cotton of his T-shirt soft against her cheek, his bare feet sliding against her own. Well-being seeped through her veins, tempered only by the decision still looming overher.

She’d gone back and forth a hundred times in the two days since her meeting at WFAI and the conversation with Moni. Half the time, she was sure the mature thing to do, the adult thing, was to jump at the opportunity WFAI was handing her on a silver platter. The other half, she imagined herself old and alone, Liam her one lost chance at truelove.

Other than Moni, she hadn’t talked to anyone about the decision. Karen was busy settling in with Doug, and it wouldn’t have been fair for Nina to verbalize her agony to Robin when Robin had been the agent of opportunity. As much as Nina valued Amy’s clinical thought process, she and Moira were busy with Ruth and IVF. The last thing they needed was to be brought into Nina’s comparatively minordrama.

The dilemma was hardest when Liam was close. When she could look into his eyes or see his smile or touch his skin. Then the thought of leaving him was a physical pain, a giant fist crushing her heart to dust. At times like that — times like this one — all she wanted to do was hold ontight.

She turned her face toward his chest and breathed him in, her hand snaking up his shirt, running over the sculpted expanse of his chest. The feel of his bare skin under her fingers sent a rush of heat to her core, and she was suddenly hungry for him, desperate to feel him inside her, to feel the slide of his body against hers, proof that he was still here, that they were both heretogether.

She rolled on top of him and stretched to press her mouth to his. His cock immediately rose to the occasion, the press of it against her stomach sending a rush of wet heat to herpussy.

Slipping her tongue inside his mouth, she rubbed her body against his rigid shaft, asserting itself inside his jeans. His hands slid under her shirt, cupping her bare breasts and squeezing hernipples.

She shivered, sighing into his mouth and straddling him to remove his shirt. He helped her get it off, then did the same with hers. He was quiet as he looked up at her, covering her breasts with hishands.

She ground her hips slowly against him until he groaned, his cock straining against his jeans, then bent to kiss him again, savoring the feel of his bare chest against her own. The kiss was unexpectedly urgent, their tongues parrying feverishly while their hands traveled each other’sbodies.

Nina kissed her way down his neck and chest, past the perfection of his stomach. She paused to unfasten his jeans and remove his cock. His shaft was like satin in her palm, and she bent her head to the tip and flicked her tongue against it, then closed her lips around his head, letting her mouth slide all the way to his base until he was buried in the back of herthroat.

This was how she wanted him. Filling her, occupying her, leaving no room for doubt or decision or any possibility but the two of them joined asone.

He held gently onto her head as she slid her mouth slowly back to his crown, circling it with her tongue and sucking it before she took all of himagain.

He groaned. “Jesus,Nina…”

She wrapped her hand around his base while she worked the rest of him with her mouth. He grew harder and longer with every slippery stroke, pushing against the confines of her throat on the downstroke, straining to reenter the heat of her mouth when she sucked on histip.

She was lost in the motion, in the pleasure she was so clearly giving him, in the fact that he was lost to hertoo.

“Nina… Nina…Neen.”

She looked up at him, the urgency in his voice finally getting herattention.

“As much as I love looking down and seeing your mouth on my cock, I think I’m going to die if I can’t come insideyou.”

The words were like a controlled burn in her body, washing over her in a swell of heat and need. She licked a bead of semen from his tip and dropped a kiss there before standing to remove herjeans.

He watched her with half-closed eyes, his appreciation of her body evident in the way he looked at her, like she was his most beloved subject and his lens was everything that had grown between them for over twoyears.

When she was naked, she straddled him again, but before she could put him inside her, he rolled her body under his and nudged her thighs open with hisknee.

He bent his head to the nape of her neck and a shiver ran through her body, her nipples erect. Kissing her throat and jaw, he lingered over her mouth, leaving no part of her untouched by histongue.

She wrapped her knees around his hips. “I want you inside me, Liam. Please… I just need to feel you insideme.”

She wanted to know he was really there, that he was real, that he’d always beenreal.

He took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked, then positioned his cock at her entrance. He sank into her all at once, with a gentleness that surprised her. She sighed, angling her hips to let him embed himself another inch inside herchannel.

He looked down at her, his eyes overflowing with something she couldn’t define, and she wrapped her arms around his back and lifted her chin, kissing him as he started tothrust.

She didn’t want to rush, didn’t want to hurry. She wanted to remember this moment and every one they’d shared like it, every moment in the dark, skin on skin, their sighs mingling in the candlelight, their bodies becomingone.

Her orgasm built like a wave, one that lifted her gently off the ocean floor, innocent enough until her stomach dropped out from under her, the ocean floor disappearing from under her feet as she was buoyed by the gentle rush ofwater.

She didn’t recognize the sound that was wrenched from her lips, not the passionate cries Liam usually pulled from her, but a low moan coupled with a sigh as her body gave way to its release, shuddering around his cock as he came inside her with a lowgroan.

For a long moment there was just sensation on sensation on sensation, locked in mutual pleasure as they clung to each other, letting go of all thought in favor of the simpler truth of theirbodies.

When it was over, he lay next to her and pulled her into his arms, showering her face withkisses.

Neither of them said aword.