“People don’t carry their hobbies everywhere with them. They don’t stop whatever they’re doing on the street to practice their hobbies. They don’t make themselves late for dinner with their best friends because of a hobby,” Karensaid.

“That was one time!” Ninaprotested.

“You don’t have to defend it,” Karen said. “I’m just saying, if you enjoy it so much, what’s the harm in taking itseriously?”

“Seriously is overrated,” Robin said. “It’s totally fine to enjoy something without attaching expectation toit.”

Nina looked at Karen. “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” Everyone laughed. “I don’t know. I’ll see where it goes. Right now I’m enjoying the process. I’m learning a lot, and I love the fact that there’s still more to learn. And honestly, I’ve had so much on my plate with Judith’s show, I haven’t had time to think about anythingelse.”

“Not even Liam?” Karen askedgently.

They all knew he was back in town, that Nina had avoided him, had made it clear to Moni that she wasn’t interested in reopening another already-read book. She’d done that with Jack, and look where it had gottenher.

“Not even Liam.” Nina was proud of the fact that her voice was steady, that she hadn’t betrayed the gentle swell of longing that accompanied thoughts of him. It was true that her feelings for Liam had always been different than her feelings for Jack — a summer storm instead of a deadly hurricane — but she didn’t see the point in revisiting something that hadn’t worked out the first time. Better to chalk Jack and Liam up to rebound guys, her relationships with them vehicles for personal growth. “Honestly, I just want to focus on the present: not the past, not the future, just… now. Youknow?”

“Here, here,” Robinsaid.

Karen nodded. “I getthat.”

Moira slipped an arm around Amy’s waist and dropped a kiss on her cheek. “I can get behindnow.”

Amy smiled at her. “Me too.” She raised her glass. “Tonow.”

Nina touched her glass totheirs.