“Thank you. It’s a lot of fun, but sometimes I’m so tired I want to sleep for a month, and Dulani is tennow.”

She laughed. “I’msure.”

He leaned forward and grew quiet. “I love your work, Nina. Robin was right to mention it to me. There’s an immediacy that makes the camera disappear. I’m right there, picking pennies out of the water fountain or playing in the snow or eating mint chocolate chip ice cream and letting it drip onto myshirt.”

Nina smiled. “Thankyou.”

“They’re kids, and let’s be honest, there are a thousand more of them in the city, which makes what you’ve accomplished — making me care about these ones, making me want to know more about them — all the more impressive. I’m not sure that kind of vision can be learned. Maybe it can only befelt.”

She drew in a long breath. “That means so much to me. Thanks for taking the time to look atthem.”

“It wasn’t a favor.” He paused. “We’re working on a new initiative here, a project that would allow us to raise additional funds and bring attention to our work in a new way. I’m not sure yet how it’s all going to come together, but I think we may have some work for you. Are youinterested?”

“Am I… Yes!” She would have to make sure the freelance work didn’t interfere with her responsibilities at the gallery, but that wouldn’t be difficult. Lots of photographers juggled day jobs, and Moni would definitely understand. “I mean, I don’t know what it is yet, so there’s that, but I believe in the work you’re doing, and it would be a privilege to help in any way Ican.”

“Great.” He handed back her portfolio. “On a more personal note, do you do portraiture for hire? I’d love some new photos ofDulani.”

“I haven’t so far, but I’d be happyto.”

“I’ll talk to my husband Sean and shoot you an email.” He stood. “And you can expect to hear from me on the project in the next week orso.”

She stood. “Thank you. I’m…” She drew in a breath. “Well, I’m excited.” She laughed. “Is thatweird?”

“Excitement is good. We like excitement.” He shook her hand. “I think we’re going to do good work together,Nina.”

“I think sotoo.”

She didn’t know what it would look like yet, but she had a feeling it wastrue.