Nina had only shared that tidbit with Moni. It had felt too private, too much a violation of Liam’s privacy to pass it around in one of their raucous all-girls get-togethers. But Moni was his friend. The information was safe withher.

“It’s serious, I just don’t know what that means yet, what it looks like forus.”


“Is this where you tell me to be careful?” Nina asked. “Not to hurthim?”

She smiled. “That would be dumb. People get hurt every day — or they do if they’re living, if they’reloving.”

“I know you care about him,” Ninasaid.

“I do. I care about you too. But I’m not worried about you being careless with Liam’s feelings. There are no guarantees, and Liam’s a big boy. Whatever happens, he’ll be okay.” She smiled at Nina. “And so willyou.”

Nina stretched her arm across the back of the couch and squeezed Moni’s hand. “Thanks. Also, I might have tangled Angela’s hairforever.”

Moni laughed and headed for thebathroom.