Everyone laughed and Robin turned her focus on one of the men, tall and slim with fashionable black-rimmed glasses. Unlike most of the men in the room wearing traditional suits and ties, he wore an impeccably tailored cropped maroon suit with stylish loafers and nosocks.

“Jason, this is my friend Nina Fontaine, the photographer I was telling you about,” Robin said. “Nina this is Jason Reid, head of International Projects. And this is Emily Lao and NickRivera.”

Nina shook everybody’s hand. “Robin may have overstated my skill.” She laughed. “I’m fairly new tophotography.”

“She has a darkroom in her closet,” Robinvolunteered.

Nina laughed. “She’s right, but only so I can make all the developing mistakesmyself.”

Emily nodded. “I always prefer to make mistakes in the privacy of my ownhome.”

“Exactly,” Ninasaid.

“Have you ever thought of trying to segue into the professional market?” Jasonasked.

“God no,” Nina said. “Not yet anyway. I work at an art gallery in Brooklyn that specializes in photography though. I’m getting a good educationthere.”

“Robin couldn’t stop talking about your pictures,” Nick said. He was younger than Jason, though similarly stylish in a slim gray suit with a bright purple shirt. “We’re all dying to seethem.”

“Robin’s the only one who’s seen them,” Nina said. “And really, we’re here to celebrate WFAI. I’d love to hear more about your work and your upcoming project thissummer.”

They shifted gears, Nick talking about a previous project digging wells in Africa and Emily talking excitedly about their upcoming summer in India where they planned to make latrines for villages where there was no running water ortoilets.

It was easy to get caught up in WFAI’s mission, the occasional statistic (2.1 billion people don’t have access to clean water in the home, more than 5 million people die each year as a direct result of not having access to clean water) jumping out amid the personal stories of people whose lives had been changed by WFAI’s projects around theworld.

Nina was surprised when Robin said it was time to sit for dinner. She’d lost track of time, the stories of the people around her transporting her to another corner of the world, the way Liam did when he shared stories about hiswork.

She followed Robin to their table at the front of the room, surprised by the feeling of excitement rushing through her veins and wondering what itmeant.