His words lingered in hermind.

I love you… You don’t have to sayanything…

She loved Liam. Had loved him for a long time, her feelings truer and purer than what she’d felt for Jack. The truth of it made her heart expand in her chest until it felt like there wasn’t room for anythingelse.

And yet she was glad he’d given her an out to saying it. They’d just found each other again, and while Nina had given in to her body when it came to sex, she wasn’t ready to do the same with her heart. For once, she wanted to enjoy something while it was good, without the need to rush it along to the next phase in the hope that it would be evenbetter.

“You’re perfect,” he murmured, kissing her head. “This isperfect.”

“I agree.” She hesitated. “Except for one tinything.”

He propped himself up on his elbow to look at her, an expression of concern on his face. “What isit?”

“I’m famished and we only have one piece of pizzaleft.”

He burst into laughter and pulled her back into hisarms.