They stopped talking momentarily while Sarah brought their food. She set down a bottle of sriracha next to Robin’s EggsBenedict.

“Can I get you ladies anything else?” sheasked.

“Not unless you can tell us how you get such gorgeous skin,” Karensaid.

Nina dropped her face in her hands. “Oh mygod…”

Sarah smiled. “Um… soap? And I use lotion sometimestoo.”

Karen nodded. “Of course youdo.”

She left and Amy rolled her eyes. “That wasn’t creepy atall.”

“What? It’s a compliment,” Karen said, picking up herfork.

“You’re going to get us kicked out of here,” Robinsaid.

Moni reached for the syrup. “She probably thinks you want her virgin blood for some kind of weird anti-agingritual.”

“You can’t look like that and be a virgin in this day and age,” Karensaid.

Nina looked at her. “Really? That’s the part of Moni’s statement you have a problemwith?”

Robin shook her head. “You’resick.”

“Remember when women our age told us we were beautiful and all we did was wash our face?” Karen askeddreamily.

“Don’t forget the lotion,” Amy said, taking a bite of heromelette.

“How did we get from people thinking we’re lonely to discussing poor Sarah’s beauty routine?” Moniasked.

Karen looked at her. “I don’t know, but I get not being lonely. I’m never lonely. It’s the sex I don’t get. Or more clearly, the sex you’re not getting,” Karen said to Nina. “I mean, aren’t you horny as hell bynow?”

A year ago, Nina would have been mortified by the question. She hadn’t realized how lacking in real friends she’d been in Larchmont until she’d come to the city and been welcomed into Karen’s group. It had taken months before she was used to the excruciating honesty of the group, the probing questions and descriptions of their sexlives.

“I mean, I miss sex sometimes,” Nina said. “But it’s not that big of adeal.”

It wasn’t entirely true. She missed it all the time. She dreamt about it. She’d even taken Karen’s suggestion and invested in a high-end vibrator that was, more often than not, her date on Fridaynights.

If there was a dream team of sexual awakening, it would be Liam McAlister and Jack Morgan. Liam’s sensuality, the time he took exploring her body and bringing her to orgasm again and again, had been an epiphany. They’d talked all night, made love more times than she could count, laughed in bed like longtimelovers.

But Jack’s command had flipped a switch in her body she hadn’t known existed, revealing a raw hunger that had felt both new and strangely familiar, like rediscovering something she’d forgotten about herself even though she’d never had occasion to experiment with Japanese bondage before Jack introduced her toit.

She still got wet thinking about him. Still remembered the power he exhibited over her body, the demand in his voice and hands when he tookher.

“You could just find a hookup, youknow.”

Amy’s voice pulled her back to the present. “Nothanks.”

“Everyone’s doing it now,” Karen said, cutting a piece off her french toast. “Ugh, I should not be eating thesecarbs.”

“I’m not everyone,” Nina said. “And you didyoga.”

Karen pointed her fork at Nina. “Yoga doesn’t offset carbs. And I’m just saying, swipe right and get yourself someD.”

Robin sputtered and shook her head. “Gross.”

“What’s gross about it?” Karen asked. “We’re animals. We need sex. Besides, you’re not exactly in a position tojudge.”