They drove for almost an hour,over the bridge and out of the city, north on the Thruway. Concrete and steel fell away in favor of rolling hills and a lush carpet of trees that spread in everydirection.

They rode mostly in silence, Nina accepting the two glasses of bourbon Jack handed her without question. She had a funny feeling in her stomach, her body so taut with sexual need it was hard to distinguish from awarning.

She drank the bourbon gratefully, letting it numb her as they made their way farther out of the city. By the time they exited the highway, she was a littledrunk.

Jack didn’t touch her as Reggie navigated the car over winding roads flanked by thick stands of trees. His withholding only made her more desperate for his hands and mouth. More desperate to feel him drive into her while shecame.

There was little traffic, and Nina was almost surprised when a small town appeared. It wasn’t quaint, just a couple of streets lit by the sickly blue light of old street lamps. They passed a tiny gas station, a deli, a diner, two pizza places, and a questionable looking Chinese restaurant. Everything but the gas station and the Chinese restaurant wasclosed.

They came to the end of the street and turned left, then continued along a deserted road to an old house with peeling yellow paint. The parking lot was too large for the handful of cars parked under the lights. A painted sign above the open door readTONY’S.

Reggie pulled the car to a stop and came around to open the back door. Jack stepped out and reached for Nina’shand.

“Leave the coat,” hesaid.

She untied the belt and threw the coat in the car, shivering as the air hit her skin even though it was fairlywarm.

Jack took her hand and led her toward the open door, an old metal screen the only thing standing between the interior of the bar and the parking lot. He pulled open the door and they entered a large room with a bar on one side, all of it paneled in faded wood that blended in with the floor, making Nina feel like she was inside a wooden box where there was no up ordown.

The murmur of conversation quieted as Jack and Nina came into the room. There were only a handful of people in the room: two men and a woman playing pool on a table with faded felt, an older man at one end of the bar, a younger man in jeans and cowboy boots at the other end, and a bartender with a balding head and a midlifepaunch.

Every one of them stared as she and Jack made their way to the bar. She felt vulnerable and exposed, acutely aware of her bare skin under the tiny slip, her lack of underwear, her slightly bouncingbreasts.

Jack pulled out one of the stools for Nina. She was relieved to sit, to find even a little bit of shelter behind the bar as Jack took the stool next toher.

The bartender approached them cautiously. Nina wondered if he was worried Jack was going to bludgeon him with his Hermes shoes. She fought the urge to giggle and realized she was more than a littledrunk.

“What can I get you?” the bartenderasked.

“Four shots.Tequila.”

Nina looked at Jack. She might be drunk, but she’d never heard Jack order shots, and definitely nottequila.

The bartender nodded and poured the shots. Jack pushed two of them toward Nina and raised one of the glasses. He waited for her to do thesame.

“To newgames.”

She knocked back the shot without replying, her nervousness growing moreinsistent.

A sound system was playing country music. Nina settled into her buzz, letting her gaze wander the bar, taking in the people with curiosity. It was hard to believe they were only an hour north of thecity.

This definitely wasn’tLarchmont.

She fought back another giggle, then saw Jack look at her and wondered if maybe she hadn’t fought it back atall.

The younger man at the end of the bar caught her eye. He tipped his head in acknowledgment and Nina saw that he was attractive, with a strong jaw and thick blond hair. Her gaze traveled across his broad shoulders, down to his muscled thighs, straining against faded jeans. He made her think ofLiam.

Jack’s hand rested on her thigh, his fingers warm as they crawledupward.

“Take your other shot, darling,” he said close to herear.

She looked at the bar and realized Jack had already finished his. The shot glass swam in front of her as she brought it to her mouth. She had to work not to spill it as Jack stroked the sensitive skin at the very top of her inner thigh, the tension that had built in her body a high-pitched squeal that blocked out everything else, her nipples so hard theyhurt.

She drank the tequila fast, trying to keep her breathing normal, resisting the urge to close her eyes, to spread her legs in front of everybody and sink into histouch.

“That’s good,” Jack said, his voice soothing. “I bet you’re so wet. My cock is going to slide into you soeasily.”