“Are you happy withJack?”

Nina opened her mouth to answer, then closed it again, wanting to give Karen’s question the thought itdeserved.

“I’m… excited by Jack. I care about him so much. I think he’s sadder than he lets on, and I think he’s never really had anyone to lovehim.”

Karen tipped her head. “You didn’t answer myquestion.”

“I think I might be too conflicted to call myself happy,” Ninaadmitted.

“We’re not thinking about Liam,remember?”

“I know,” Nina said. “I mean I might be too conflicted about Jack to behappy.”

“Then I think you have youranswer.”

“It’s not that simple,” Nina said. “You’re right: I’m in deep. The sexis…”

“The sex is sex,” Karen said firmly. “Whatever it is, it’s not the only sex intown.”

“It might be the only sex like this in town.” Nina hesitated. “I just… it’s like an addiction. I don’t know if I canstop.”

“Listen, there’s more than one sexual script. It’s totally okay to want what you want — whatever that may be, and I do mean whatever — but not if it makes you sick, Neen. That’s how you know it’s dangerous, how you know it’s time to get out while you’re still thinking clearly enough to find thedoor.”


“Promise you’ll think about it?” Karenasked.


“Good.” Karen hugged and they said goodbye before she descended the stairs to thesubway.

Nina started for home feeling guilty about the promise. It had been a lie. There was no point thinking aboutit.

Quitting Jack wasimpossible.