“You miss Liam while you’re hot and heavy with Jack,” Karen said. “And only now, after you saw Liam with someoneelse.”

“I don’t know what you’re getting at,” Ninasaid.

“You weren’t happy with them before because you weren’t ready. Now you’re not happy enough with Jack to not pine after Liam,” Karen said. “I’m just wondering at what point you begin to wonder if it’syou.”

“If what’s me?” Nina didn’t realize how loudly she’d spoken until an older man on a nearby blanket turned to look ather.

“I don’t know, Nina.” Karen’s face was pinched. “Maybe you just don’t know how to behappy.”

Nina opened her mouth to reply, then shut it when the movie flickered to life, the crowd erupting into applause. She watched the lights play across the screen, but she wasn’t absorbing any of it. All she could hear was Karen’svoice.

Maybe you just don’t know how to behappy.