There wasn’t room for muchelse.

Her gaze came to rest on the sari photograph near the window. The sunlight was turning gold as they eased toward spring, the light setting the scrap of fabric on fire in thephoto.

She couldn’t look at the picture without thinking ofLiam.

Thinking about him didn’t hurt anymore, not exactly, but longing still filled her chest, the memory of his laughter and kind eyes, the protection of his arms around her promising not security but something deeper and morecomplex.

She looked at the blinking cursor on her laptop. She’d avoided any mention of him, had told Moni not to give her updates. It wasn’t that Nina didn’t care. She wanted Liam to be well, wished for him to be happy, but the memory of him was too tender, like a broken bone that hadn’t set quiteright.

She hesitated over the keyboard, then typed Liam’s name into the searchbar.

There were a number of matches from various travel magazines that had used his photographs as accompaniments to their articles, plus a link to the website of Vincent Reynolds, the philanthropist and author Liam had traveled with toAfrica.

She opened a few of the articles and skimmed, looking for any mention of Liam. When she didn’t find anything more than photo credits, she hit the tab forImages.

The screen immediately filled with images of Liam in various countries, plus more than one of his official photo. His blue eyes seemed to see her through the screen, his smile subtle but sincere. His voice filled hermind.


She used search tools to refine the search to those uploaded only in the past month. The screen changed, filled now with pictures not of Liam alone, but standing with a blond woman. Thatched roofs appeared in the background, smiling children gathered around them as they took pictures, carried buckets of water, shaped mud into bricks to dry in thesun.

Nina’s eyes caught one picture in particular: Liam’s arm around the woman, both smiling into thecamera.

He lookedhappy.

She slammed the laptop shut, took a deep breath, and tried to convince herself the emotion wheeling through her body wasn’tloss.