“I already know,” she said. “Or I assumedanyway.”

Nina had kept her newly rekindled relationship with Jack from Moni, not wanting to make things weird because of Liam. “How?”

“Girl, with all the sneaking around you’re doing, I’d be an idiot not to know. I didn’t know it was Jack, but I figured that’s the only reason you’d keep it from me. Plus last week you came to work wearing the same blouse you’d worn the daybefore.”

“Ouch.” Nina remembered the day. She’d gone straight to the park after work and then to Jack’s. He’d kept her up most of the night and she’d overslept her alarm and had been forced to pair the previous day’s shirt with a skirt she’d accidentally left at Jack’s the weekbefore.

Moni smiled. “Liam’s my friend, but so are you. And it’s yourlife.”

“No judging?” Ninaasked.


Nina nodded and looked at Robin. “Things with Jack are good. Surprisinglygood.”

“Am I the only one who heard ‘surprisingly hot’ in those words?” Amyasked.

“I heard it too,” Robin said. “Dotell.”

Nina finished her martini and thought about how much to reveal. “Nothing to tell yet. We agreed to ease back intothe…”

“Bondage?” Karensuggested.

Nina laughed. “The sex games in general. And we agreed it would be just the two of us thistime.”

Tell me there’s no one else,Nina.

“So are you?” Robin asked. “Easing back into the sexgames?”

“Not yet, but I think it’s got to happen soon,” Ninasaid.

“Is he jonesing for it?” Amyasked.

We bothare.

Nina left the words unspoken. “I’m getting thatimpression.”

Jack was a passionate and demanding lover, but their first time lingered between them like smoke. Nina was all too aware of the rope coiled in the armoire, the other toys that likely waited there along with the vibrator Jack had started using on her a few daysearlier.

It would have been a lie to say she wasn’t curious to try again, to see what else Jack had up his expensivesleeve.

“And I’m getting the impression that you’re more enthused about his fun and games than you’re letting on,” Karensaid.

Nina smiled. “Nocomment.”

“There’s no shame in it,” Amy said. “Moira and I have two drawers dedicated totoys.”

Robin pushed her chair back from the table. “And on that note, I think it’s time for me to call it anight.”

Nina glanced at her phone. “Same.”

Jack was in Berlin on business. He’d tried to convince her to go with him, but she’d been secretly relieved for the excuse to be alone for a couple of nights. She’d been neglecting Virginia, not to mention her Netflix WatchList.

“Works for me.” Karen shrugged on her coat. “I need my beauty sleep fortomorrow.”

Karen had recently started seeing the CFO of a tech giant who only came into town a couple times a month. She’d been anticipating their Saturday night date since the lastone.

Robin got their tab and they split everything up and started for the exit. Their table was occupied by a group of young traders by the time they hit thedoor.