
“What if we start with no apologies?” heasked.


“I’m not very good at expressing feelings, but I’m willing to try,” hesaid.

She shook her head. “I don’t understand what you’resaying.”

He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She remembered the first time he’d done it — she’d been wet and cold, huddled in his car after falling on thepavement.

A lifetimeago.

“I’m saying I need you, Nina. I didn’t know how much I needed you until you weregone.”

“You don’t need me,” shesaid.

His eyes bore into hers. “I do. I realize I wasn’t good at showing it, but if you’ll give me a chance, I think I can dobetter.”

“With… expressing yourfeelings?”

“With making sure you understand how important you are to me,” hesaid.

“I don’tknow.”

She was dancing close to the flame again. Her psyche screamed danger, but her body was already leaning into the warmth, mesmerized by itspromise.

“We’ll start with dinner,” hesaid.

She laughed and shook her head. Some things never changed. “I haven’t saidyes.”

“But you will.” There was no doubt in hisvoice.

She had to force herself not to smile. “I thought you were going to dobetter.”

His eyes darkened until they were bottomless. “With expressing my feelings. Some things won’t change,Nina.”

A shiver ran up her spine at the promise in hisvoice.

She reached for the car door. “I’ll think aboutit.”

She wasn’t being coy. She might still be powerless against the affect he had over her, but she was self-aware enough now to know it. She needed to think without the scent of him working its way through her body, without the magnetic pull of him inchesaway.

He looked up at her from inside the car and she was glad he didn’t make a move to walk her to thedoor.

“I’ll pick you up Saturday atseven.”

She turned around before he could see hersmile.