“Jack…” She grabbed onto thecounter.

“Do you want me to stop and ask him to leave or do you want me to fuck you until youcome?”

The man had unzipped his pants behind them, and while she couldn’t see his cock, she could tell from the gentle rocking of his reflection that he was stroking himself as he watchedthem.

Jack withdrew and she reached back for him. “No!” She bowed her head, her hair falling around her face. “Just fuck me, Jack. Just make me come.Please.”

He drove into her again and she closed her eyes, rocked with this rhythm, pressed into the fingers working herclit.

She was panting, gasping, barely able to breathe, the orgasm seeming to stretch her skin in its desire to escape, the pressure unbearable as she teetered on theedge.

She opened her eyes as she tipped over, caught the man’s eye in the mirror as he stroked his cock, his own breath fast and heavy as he watched Jack fuck her frombehind.

She didn’t know if the scream she heard was in her head or if it was real. She didn’t care. She came again and again, her body wracked with contractions as Jack groaned, spilling his hot semen insideher.

She didn’t know how long it lasted. How long afterward she stood, braced against the cabinet, her dress up around her waist, her ass and dripping pussyexposed.

When she finally opened her eyes the man in the mirror was gone. Jack reached for the paper towel holder on the wall and leaned around her to get them wet in thesink.

She ducked away from him and pulled her dress down to cover herself. She felt sick, and she hurried to one of the shadowed stalls and vomited into the toilet. A moment later, Jack was there, looming behindher.

His fingers grazed her neck as he reached to move her hair out of the way. The fog was clearing from her brain, the reality of what had happened, what she’d allowed to happen, sinking in now that she wasn’t a slave to her body’s need forrelease.

“Don’t touch me,” shesaid.

She stood, wiped her mouth, and stared at him. “I thought you lovedme.”

“I do.” His eyes were cold, but there was pain in hisvoice.

She shook her head. “This isn’tlove.”


“Let me pass,” shesaid.

He hesitated, then steppedaside.

She slid past him, grabbing the paper towels from his hand as she went. She wiped herself quickly, then dumped the towels in the trash can on her way out thedoor.

“Nina…” he called afterher.

She felt strangely alert. Not quite sober, butawake.

She didn’t return to the bar. Instead she pushed through the door at the end of the hall marked with a red Exit sign. Then she was out into the cool night air, the sound of crickets and bullfrogs engulfing her as she took off her shoes and startedwalking.