
“Please keep going.” His fingers were so close to her sex she felt the pressure of them on her labia. At that moment, she would have done anything to force themhigher.

The last thing she wanted was for him to stop. She was too desperate to be embarrassed by her need, by her willingness to expose herself for the pleasure of histouch.

“Are you wet, Nina?” He spoke softly in herear.


He lifted the skirt of her dress with his other hand, exposing her ass in the nude thong she’d chosen when he’d told her they were going shopping. His fingers slid inside her and she moaned quietly as his cock nestled into her bareass.

“You are wet,” he said, stroking her clit with histhumb.

She pressed back into him, beyond caring whether Maude — or anyone else — could see them, intent only on the orgasm promised by hisfingers.

“Do you want me to fuck you, Nina? Right here where anyone cansee?”

“Yes.” She could barely get the word out, her breath fast and shallow as she came closer toorgasm.

“You’re a dirty girl,” he said, approval thick in his voice. “You’d let me fuck you right here, even if Maude was watching?” His fingers stilled. “Or would it be better if Istopped?”

“No… please,” shesaid.

She was in a world of darkness behind her closed eyelids, a world where nothing mattered but the continued penetration of Jack’s fingers, his rhythmic attention to her swollen clit, his shaft so close she could almost feel him slide intoher.

He pushed harder against her ass, picking up the pace of his fingers. She moved her hips in time to his movements, her release so close she could feel herself standing at the precipice, her toes over the edge, rocking in the moment before she tipped intoit.

“Are you going to come for me,Nina?”


His hands immediately withdrew, the pressure of his cock disappearing from behind her as he fixed her underwear and lowered the skirt of herdress.

“I tell you when you can come, remember?” heasked.

She clenched her fists, her chest expanding with the release she hadn’t achieved, with pent up desire that threatened to overflow the confines of herskin.

“Do you remember?” heasked.

She opened her eyes, the fitting room swimming in front of her. “Yes.”

“Good,” he said. “Get dressed. I think it’s time to go home and continue ourgames.”

She braced herself on the threshold of the fitting room and forced herself to breathe, then stepped inside and shut the door. She leaned her head against the mirror, grateful for the cool expanse of glass on her feveredskin.

“We’ll take them all,” she heard Jack say outside the room. “You can have them delivered.” His voice was even, as if he hadn’t just brought her to the brink of orgasm, as if he hadn’t been hard enough to fuck her then andthere.

She unzipped the dress with shaking fingers, his words rising in herears.

It’s time to go home and continue ourgames.