They’d talked about asking Abby to help them get surveillance equipment into the hotel, but that had been before her father’s death, before the knowledge that Jason was responsible forit.
Now, Max wanted her as insulated as possible from the wholemess.
“I know how to get it in,” shesaid.
“Tell us,” Farrellsaid.
Max shot him an angry glance. “You don’t have to tell us anything. You should beresting.”
“I’ve rested enough to last a lifetime,” she said, looking up at him. “This is my fighttoo.”
She was right. If anyone had a right to work towards Jason’s demise, it washer.
And this was how Abby fought — she took quiet action, making things happen behind thescenes.
He put a hand on her shoulder and bent to kiss hercheek.
“This is Abby,” he said to Locke. “She’s going to help us find a wayin.”
He didn’t speak the words lingering in the back of hismind.
I love her with my wholeheart.
She’s been hurtenough.
If anything happens to her because of this mission, I’ll kill youall.