Page 59 of Surrender to Sin

Locke lifted a shoulder like he didn’t care one way or another. “If you have a better idea, I’m allears.”

“I don’t,” Farrelladmitted.

“So we zip from the Drew to the Tangier’s roof,” Max said. “Any chance of being seen from theground?”

“Minimal,” Locke said. “We’ll be in the air for less than thirty seconds after midnight when everyone on the ground is drunk and distracted. If we dress in black, and anchor here,” he pointed to a corner of the Drew that faced away from the strip, “we’ll avoid most of thelights.”

Max’s eyes were glued to the plans. “We’ll be on the roof and out of sight by the time anyone on the ground gets someone to investigateanyway.”

“And once we’re on the roof, we can breach the top floor of the Tangier,” Carlossaid.

Locke nodded. “That’s theplan.”

Nico looked at him. “This only works if we can run the line between the twobuildings.”

“I’ve got that covered,” Lockesaid.

Nico didn’t even hesitate before nodding, a show of faith Max didn’t exactlyecho.

“Then let’s operate under the assumption that this is our way in,” Nico said. “We can always revisit it later if someone comes up with a better idea, but I think we all agree the roof is our bestoption.”

He glanced around the room, waiting for objections that nevercame.

“Good,” he said. “Let’s talk about the rest of themission.”

“There are two doors from the roof to the hotel, here and here.” Max pointed to symbols on the blueprints indicating doors that led to stairwells. The stairs descended to the top floor of the hotel where the Presidential suite was located. “They lead to supply closets off the hall leading to thesuite.”

“That hall is where we have the most risk. We don’t have a single camera there,” Farrell remindedthem.

“I’m aware,” Max said. “There is one otherpossibility.”

“The air shafts?” Lockeguessed.

Max nodded. “The airshafts.”

“Jesus christ,” Farrellmuttered.

“I’m actually thinking we split the difference,” Maxsaid.

Nico looked at him. “Howso?”

“We split up — send some of us through the air shafts and the others through thestairs.”


“If we do run into problems in the hall, we’ll be better equipped to handle them stepping through a door than dropping from the ceiling, and if we send the first team down the stairs, they can secure the hall while the second team works their way into the suite through the airshafts.”

“That would also offer some cover for the team in the shafts,” Carlossaid.

It was exactly what Max had been thinking: one way or another, the first team would have to deal with Jason’s security in the hall. Best case, it would keep the guards busy while the second team dropped from the airshafts into the suite to face Jason, and probably Bruce Frazier. Worst case, it would make a fuck-ton of noise, which might draw Bruce out of the suite and provide a distraction for the team inside. Either way, it was better than having both teams vulnerable in the airshafts, and better than having them both exposed in thehall.

“It’s not bad,” Lockesaid.

“There is one thing you haven’t talked about,” Abbysaid.

Everyone turned to look ather.

“You don’t have cameras in the hall, but Jasondoes.”