Page 4 of Fire with Fire

Nico leaned forward, pressed another key on the laptop. This time the monitor was split in two, a different man on each side of it.

“We see if he can take down his closest rival.”

“Which one of them is it?” Luca asked.

“Both, in a way,” Nico said. “The man on the right is Primo Fiore. Technically, he’s the one running the Fiore family organization, the closest rival in revenue and street authority to Cavallo’s organization.”

“Technically?” Christophe’s eyes were on Primo Fiore, his face still slightly soft, as if he hadn’t quite outgrown his youth.

“That would be because of the man on the left,” Nico said. “Malcolm Gatti.”

Luca rubbed his face. “This isn’t good.”

“I take it you’ve heard of him?” Nico asked.

“Who in New York hasn’t?” Luca asked. “Dirty is too nice a word for him. He’s into all the shit we ruled out years ago. I didn’t realize he was working for Fiore now.”

“My take is that Malcolm is using him. Word on the street is Primo Fiore isn’t entirely… balanced,” Nico said.

“You’re saying the bloke’s crazy?” Farrell asked.

“I don’t think that’s politically correct anymore,” Christophe said drily.

“I don’t give a shit.” Farrell returned his attention to the screen. “So who’s the target — Fiore or Gatti?”

“Crazy or evil,” Luca said. “Take your pick.”

“One doesn’t fall without the other,” Nico said. “Cavallo will have to take them both out. Once the Fiore organization is dead, the rest of the territory will be easy to bring under control.”

“Seems as good a test as any,” Luca said. “Taking down both of them would seal my support for Cavallo.”

“I agree,” Christophe said. “If he can’t do it, we can revisit the other choices.”

Nico turned to Farrell. “Want to pay him a little visit? One fighter to another?”

Farrell sighed. “Fine. I’ll see if I can sell him, although it would be easier with a health plan and company cafeteria.”

Nico couldn’t help laughing. “You really are an asshole.”

Farrell grinned. “One of my finer character traits.”

“There is one more thing,” Nico said, bringing up the next slide, an image of a pretty young woman working in a garden, dark hair falling over her collarbone as she bent to a bunch of flowers. “Aria Fiore, Primo’s little sister, is his one stabilizing influence. By all accounts, she’s not thrilled with her brother’s choice of career. She’s not to be harmed. Make sure Cavallo knows.”

Farrell shook his head, his eyes still on the picture of the young woman. “Fuck me.”