Page 8 of Into the Fire

She’d gotten used to tiptoeing around him, steering clear of his mercurial moods, and later, the ruthless manipulations ofMalcolm.

Still, Primo was her brother. She couldn’t help wondering if he was okay. Was he looking for her? Or had he given up on her after she’d left him and run toDamian?

Was Malcolm still using him? Aria almost hoped so. Primo didn’t know it, but he was only safe as long as he was useful to Malcolm. Aria hoped he would stay useful long enough for her to escape the tiny room. Maybe then they could find a way out of this messforthem.

She tried for the thousandth time to figure that part out — getting Primo to sell his stake in the New York territory to Damian, getting Damian to agree to take it even after all that Primohaddone.

It was too complicated. Too difficult toimagine.

She turned her thoughts back to Damian instead. Remember his hands on her body, his heartbeat under her ear, his arms tight around hershoulders.

I’m here, Damian. I’m ready. Comeforme.