Page 31 of Into the Fire

He’d grown to like the silent spaces between them. They were filled with all the important things they shared. All the things that didn’t need words tobetrue.

“I don’t disagree,”Ariasaid.

He held the door and let her pass ahead into the suite’s foyer. He set the key on the console by the door and leaned against the wall, watching her take in the warm wood floors, the elegant modern sofa, the touches of gold, luxurious draperies, freshflowers.

She stopped at the terrace doors, her gaze following the view to the Eiffel Tower in the distance. She turned tofacehim.

“Well, I was expecting a bit more, to be honest,” she saidsarcastically.

He smiled. “Youlike?”

She crossed the room, ran her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. His skin burned in the wake of hertouch.

She pressed against him. “I like.” She kissed the corners of his mouth. “Is there abedroom?”

He lifted her into his arms and her legs came around his waist, the heat of her core nestling against his already-hardcock.


“Then what are we waiting for?” she asked, touching her lips to his, her tongue dipping into hismouth.

“Shopping,” he said, against hermouth.

“Shopping?” She dropped kisses along his jaw, down his neck, her hips grinding against his shaft through histrousers.

“You need clothes,” he said, although he was beginning to forget why she needed clothes. Wouldn’t it be better to keep her naked? “We have to goshopping.”

She reached between their bodies, unbuttoned his pants, slid her hand down the flat plane of his stomach, took his throbbing cock in herhands.

“First you fuck me,” she said, nibbling on his ear. “Then we goshopping.”

He covered her mouth with his and hurried for thebedroom.