Page 30 of Into the Fire


Damian waswatchful as he stepped out of the car outside the Ritz and reached a hand back for Aria. There was no reason to believe Primo knew he and Aria were in Paris — they’d flown in on one of the Syndicate’s private jets to avoid leaving an obvious footprint — but now that Aria was back by his side he wasn’t taking anychances.

Aria looked up at the hotel. “So this isParis.”

“No, this is the Ritz,” Damian said with a smile. “But don’t worry. I’ll show youParistoo.”

I’ll show you everything. Give youeverything.

The driver unloaded their small bags onto the cart provided by the bellman while Damian and Aria stepped into the palatiallobby.

It was open and airy, with marble floors, large coral flower arrangements, and chandeliers that dripped crystal teardrops. They bypassed the front desk and continued past halls lined with rich carpets, reproduction Baroque sofas, a grandpiano.

“We don't have to check in?” Aria asked as they headed for theelevator.

He squeezed herhand. “No.”

Cole was already there, waiting in the elevator lobby withwatchfuleyes.

He nodded at Damian. “Boss.” He looked at Aria. “Hello.”


“Aria, this is Cole,” Damian said. “Cole,Aria.”

She and Cole had never formally met, but Cole had been with him when he’d first met with Primo at Velvet, and Cole had been around off and on during the days before Damian had taken Aria to Capri. He’d tried talking to Damian during the long weeks of Aria’s kidnapping, but Damian had been in no mood to discuss Aria withanyone.

He’d only wanted to getherback.

Cole was likely confused about his role given the fact that Damian had chosen to keep him out of the operation in Athens. Damian would have to smooth things over with him, make sure he knew his place by Damian’s side was secure, apologize for keeping him out oftheloop.

But that would all come when they werealone.

“Anything?” Damian asked him after he and Aria had shakenhands.

Cole shook his head. “Quiet.”

“Keep me posted,”Damiansaid.

Damian pushed the button for the elevator and held out his hand. Cole put a keycard into his palm as the doors opened. They stepped into it. Cole would be in an adjoining room. Normally Damian would have set him up in one of the bedrooms of the suite occupied by he and Aria, but he didn’t want to subject Aria to a virtual stranger living in such close quarters after what she’d been through in Greece. She still hadn’t spoken about it, but he would be shocked if she wasn’t suffering from some kindofPTSD.

He was going to shelter her until she finallybrokeopen.

They rode to the top of the hotel in silence and exited into aprivatehall.

“Stay close,” Damian said to Cole. “We’ll need todebriefsoon.”


Damian turned to the door of the suite as Cole continued down theshorthall.

“He’s a man of few words,” Aria said as Damian unlockedthedoor.

“Good men don’t need many words,”Damiansaid.

Or good women, Damianthought.

It was one of the things he loved about Aria. Like him, she was an observer. She spoke when she had something to say rather than just to fill the silentspaces.