Page 21 of Into the Fire


It wasbliss to be backinsideher.

It wasn’t just the tight clench of her pussy around his throbbing cock. It was her silken skin against his, the soft swell of her body underneath him. Most of all it was the knowledge that she was safe and in his arms. That the next person to try and take her from him would dietrying.

He lingered over her mouth as he moved in long, languorous strokes inside her. He wanted to make it last. Wanted to feel every satiny inch as he moved inside her. Wanted to give her time to stretch around him. Wanted to learn her all overagain.

She opened her eyes, looked up at him as she opened her legs wider, clenched his ass to push him even furtherinsideher.

“Don’t be gentle with me,” she said. “Justfuckme.”

He hadn’t been aware that he was being gentle. He knew only that he had her back in his arms, that she was the most precious thing he’d ever beenentrustedwith.

That he’d almostlosther.

Now he growled and drove into her with a ferocity that took even him bysurprise.

“Yes,” she cried out. “I want all of it. Allofyou.”

The words were like gasoline on the fire already unraveling in his veins. He moved faster, pushing all the way inside her until the tip of his cock bumped up against her cervix, dragged out of her almost all the way just so he could drive into heragain.

It wasn’t enough. Hewantedmore.

Wanted to embed himself in her so thoroughly they could never be torn apartagain.

He hooked his arm around one of her knees and pushed it back as he thrust into her. She opened further to accommodate him, the soft walls of her pussy like rose petals against the throbbing heat ofhiscock.

“Fuck, Aria… You feel so good.” He lowered his face to her neck as the orgasm rose inside him. “Sofuckinggood.”

“I’m going to come again,” she said. “Come with me,Damian.”

He moved faster, on a mission to find release. He felt the pressure building at the center of his body, traveling upward to the tip ofhiscock.

She pulled her other leg back, giving him access to the darkest, sweetest part of her pussy, and it was all over. He erupted with a shuddering groan, spilling into her as she cried out intotheroom.

She tightened around him, clenching his shaft like the sweetest of vises as her own orgasm ripped through her body. It seemed to go on and on — the grasp of her channel on his cock as her body trembled under him, his own body coiled and tight until he’d finally spilled everythingintoher.

He was only dimly aware that they hadn’t bothered with a condom as he collapsed next to her, pulled her intohisarms.

He didn’t care. She would be hisforever.

Any children he ever had would be born ofherbody.


He kissed the top of her head as their breathing regulated. The room had grown lighter around them, the rising sun casting a golden halo on the soft plasterwalls.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked afterawhile.

She didn’t say anything for aminute.

“Not really,” she said. “I’m with you now. That’s all thatmatters.”

He hesitated. Part of him wanted to know everything, no matter how much it hurt. The other part wanted to pretend it wasn’t as bad as his worstimaginings.

In the end, it didn’t really matter. It was her storytotell.

“At some point you’ll have to tell us about the men who took you,” he said. “It’s the only way we’llfindthem.”