She turned her head and saw what had caught his attention. His beautiful brunette lover making a beeline for Spence.

Ted abandoned Meg and ambled back to the table, his amble so full of purpose Meg was surprised he didn’t leave tread marks on the floor. He hit the brakes just as his lover held out her hand to their visitor.

“Hi, there. Torie Traveler O’Connor.”

Chapter Nine

Torie Traveler O’Connor? Meg remembered the conversation she’d overheard the night before between Ted and Kenny. Ted’s married lover was Kenny’s sister?

Torie’s Texas drawl was liquid decadence. “I heard you tore up the back nine today, Spence. You don’t mind if I call you Spence, do you? I had to meet the man who took these ol’ boys to the cleaners.”

Spence looked temporarily awestruck. It was easy to see how Torie could do that with her flawless features, swirl of inky hair, and long legs hugged by ultraexpensive jeans. A trio of small silver charms dangled at the open neck of her scooped top, an enormous diamond winked on her left hand, and two others, nearly as large, played at her earlobes.

Kenny frowned at her. Seen together, their over-the-top good looks made it obvious they were siblings. “Why aren’t you home minding my nieces?”

“Because they’re finally asleep. It took a couple of Xanax cleverly concealed inside some Twinkies, but oh well . . . Monsters.”

“They miss their father,” Kenny said. “The only stabilizing influence in their lives.”

Torie grinned. “He’ll be back tomorrow.” She poked her brother. “I just talked to Lady Emma. She told me her hand is fine, and if you call her one more time, she won’t put out tonight.” She kissed Ted’s cheek. “Hey, there, Mr. Mayor. Word is you played real ugly today.”

“Except for a hole-out eagle and a few birdies,” her brother said. “Damnedest game I ever saw.”

She looked around for a place to sit, and not spotting an open chair, perched on Ted’s right thigh. “Weird. You’re usually so consistent.”

“Spence intimidated me,” Ted said with all kinds of sincerity. “He’s as good a seven handicap as I’ve ever played with.”

Kenny tilted back in his chair. “Lots of interesting events happening around here today, Torie. Meg was just filling Spence in on her unrequited love for Ted. Who knew, right?”

Torie’s eyes widened with surprise, followed almost immediately by anticipation. Right then Meg understood. Even with Torie balanced like a sleek, man-eating panther on Ted’s thigh and one arm draped over his shoulders, Meg knew they weren’t lovers. She didn’t understand exactly what their relationship was, or why they’d been together in the suite at the inn with Torie wrapped only in a towel, or why Torie had kissed him that night in his car. Despite all the evidence to the contrary—and despite Ted’s own words—she knew with absolute certainty these two were not intimate.

Torie took a sip from Ted’s beer and turned her attention to Meg. “I never get tired of hearing women’s stories, especially ones involving men. I swear, I’d read a romance novel every day if I didn’t have to chase after my kids. Did you just blurt it right out—tell Ted how you feel?”

Meg tried to look sincere. “I believe in honesty.”

“She’s pretty sure he’ll come around,” Kenny said.

Torie handed Ted’s beer back without taking her eyes off Meg. “I admire your self-confidence.”

Meg extended her hands, palms out. “Why wouldn’t he come around? Look at me.”

She expected snickers, but it didn’t happen. “Interesting,” Torie said.

“Not interesting.” Ted slid his beer out of Torie’s reach.

Torie took in Meg’s Sung dynasty earrings. “Probably best you haven’t heard about my stepmother’s new plan to raise money for the library repairs.”

“Shelby hasn’t talked to me about any plan,” Ted said.

Torie waved him off. “I’m sure someone will mention it to you sooner or later. The committee hasn’t finished ironing out the details.”

Ted eyed Kenny. “Lady Emma say anything about this to you?”

“Not a word.”

Torie was a woman on a mission, and she wouldn’t let herself be distracted for long. “Your honesty is refreshing, Meg. Exactly when did you realize you were in love with Ted? Before or after Lucy ditched him?”

“Lay off,” Ted said pleasantly.