She knew him, and she didn’t know him, and she was worn out from keeping her guard up. “I’m tired. We can talk in the morning.”

“You know we can’t go on like this much longer, right?”

She pretended not to understand. “Neither of us has killed the other one yet, so I think we’re doing pretty well.”

“Now you’re the one playing games.” His glass clinked as he set it on the tiles and uncoiled from the chair. “You have to admit I’ve been patient.”

“We’ve only been married a week.”

“Exactly. An entire week without sex.”

“You’re a maniac.” She turned toward the door, but once again he stopped her.

“I’m not bragging, just offering

up information. I don’t expect sex on a first date, but it usually seems to happen that way. Second date max.”

“Fascinating. Unfortunately for you, I believe in establishing a relationship first, but, hey, marriage is all about compromise, so I’m willing to compromise.”

“What kind of compromise?”

She made a play out of thinking it over. “I’ll have sex with you…after our fourth date.”

“And exactly how do you define ‘date’?”

She waved her hand breezily. “Oh, I’ll know it when I see it.”

“I’ll just bet you will.” He ran his thumb down her bare arm. “Frankly, I’m not too worried. We both know you won’t last much longer.”

“Because of your overwhelming sexiness?”

“That, but also because—let’s be honest—you’re ripe for the picking.”

“You think so?”

“Baby, you’re an orgasm waiting to happen.”

Her skin prickled. “Oh, really?”

“You’ve been divorced for a year. And the Loser is half girl, so nothing will make me believe he was any kind of lover.”

She predictably—pitifully—jumped to Lance’s defense. “He was a great lover. Gentle and considerate.”

“That’s a bummer.”

“Naturally, you’d say something sarcastic.”

“Fortunately for you, I’m neither gentle nor considerate.” He slid his thumb into the crook of her arm. “I like my sex rough and dirty. Or does the idea of getting it on with a full-grown man scare our little Scooter?”

She pulled away. “What man? All I see is an overgrown pretty boy.”

“Cut the crap, Georgie. I’ve given up a lot for you, but I’m not giving up sex, too.”

She’d known she could only ignore this for so long. If she didn’t give him what he wanted, he’d have no qualms about dialing up someone who would. She hated feeling trapped. “You cut the crap,” she retorted. “We both know the odds of you staying faithful are smaller than your bank account.”

“I’m not Lance Marks.”

“That’s right. Lance only cheated with one woman. With you, there’ll be legions.” She pointed her finger at his perfect face. “I’ve been publicly humiliated once. Call me overly sensitive, but I don’t want it to happen again.”