“You wanted to get off,” she said bitterly, “and there I was, standing so conveniently in front of you.”

“Hold on.” Unlike her, he wasn’t wearing a sweater, and the breeze pressed his T-shirt against his chest. “I could have gotten off with any of the women on the boat that night. And I’m not being arrogant. It’s just the way it was.”

A wave splashed her ankles. “But you didn’t. You chose dumb-ass here instead.”

“You weren’t dumb. Just naïve.”

She needed to ask him something, but she didn’t want to look at him, so she leaned down to turn up the cuffs of her jeans. “Why did you do it?”

“Why do you think?” He picked up a beach stone and hurled it into the water. “I wanted to put you

in your place. Knock you down a few pegs. Show you that even though Daddy made sure you got top billing and a bigger paycheck, I could get you to do what I wanted.”

She stood up. “Nice guy.”

“You asked.”

The fact that he’d finally owned up to his bad behavior made her feel a little better. Not good enough to forgive him, but good enough to accept that she had to somehow coexist with him while they were trapped in this farce of a marriage. They began walking again. “It was years ago.” She stepped around a sand turtle some kids had made earlier. “No lasting harm done.”

“You were a virgin. I didn’t believe that bull you handed out about being with an older man.”

“Hugh Grant,” she said.

“You wish.”

She snagged a flyaway lock of hair and pushed it behind her ear. “Hugh told me I was sublime. No, wait. That was Colin Firth. I get those aging Brits I slept with mixed up.”

“A common problem.” He sent another stone flying into the water.

She gazed up at the single star that had begun to shine. At a beach party last year, someone had told her it wasn’t a star at all, but the International Space Station. “Who was she?”


“The woman I heard you whispering to on your cell this morning.”

“What big ears you have.”

“All the better to catch you cheating.”

“Isn’t it a little early for me to cheat? Although you have to admit, the honeymoon’s been a real bust-out so far.”

She dug her heels deeper into the sand. “When it comes to vice, I never underestimate you.”

“You’ve wised up.”

“It wasn’t just the sex, Bram. It was everything. You got handed the opportunity of a lifetime with Skip and Scooter, and you blew it. You didn’t appreciate what you had.”

“I appreciated what it got me. Cars, women, liquor, drugs. I had free designer clothes, a collection of Rolexes, big houses where I could hang out with my buddies. I had the time of my life.”

“I noticed.”

“The way I grew up—if you had money, you spent it. I loved every second.”

But his pleasure had come at the expense of so many other people. She shoved up the sleeves of her sweater. “A lot of people paid a big price for your fun. The cast, the crew.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve got me there.”

“You paid a price, too.”