And play he did.
Keeping her wrists gently pinioned, he used only his mouth to excite her. He nibbled at her earlobe and the side of her neck. He nipped at her collarbone and the base of her throat. But then he drew back just far enough to be able to gaze down at her body.
Her position against the wall had tipped up the crests of her breasts. He toyed with first one, then the other, suckling until the pool of heat inside her burned so fiercely she could hardly bear it.
“Stop,” she gasped. “Let me go.”
He immediately released her wrists. “Am I hurting you?”
“No, but—you’re going too fast.”
“Too fast?” He regarded her with a crooked smile. “Are you criticizing my technique?”
“Oh, no. Your technique is wonderful.” The words came from her in a rush, too earnest, too eager, and he smiled. Embarrassed, she avoided meeting his eyes by staring at his mouth. Then she realized that if she were to make love with this fierce, proud man, she had to meet his strength with her own.
Lifting her head, she met his gaze. “I don’t want you to take over yet. Maybe later, but not yet.”
“Is this your way of telling me you want to direct the action for a while?”
She nodded. Even though she was nervous, she wouldn’t let anything prevent her from investigating the wonderful mysteries hidden beneath that towel.
“One condition, angel.” He hooked the edge of her costume where it lay at her waist “It’s just going to be you and those tights. Everything else comes off.”
She swallowed. The tights had no panty built into them. They were sheer from waistband to toe, and the diamond-pattern was too loosely woven to hide anything.
He raised one eyebrow in challenge, then released her and sat down on the end of his bed. “I want to watch you undress.”
This was getting very naughty. She cleared her throat and spoke as casually as she could. “Do you mean right here? With the lights on and everything?”
“You’re stalling. Peel it down real slow.”
She gathered her courage, determined to keep up with him. “You understand, don’t you, that your towel’s coming off next?”
“One thing at a time.”
She slowly slipped the costume over her hips, leaning forward as she lowered it to hide her nudity from him. The costume dropped to her ankles. She brushed a spec of lint from the top of her foot, inspected the wear in the carpet, listened to the rain tap on the trailer’s roof.
“Oh, no, you don’t.” He chuckled. “Straighten up. And leave that costume right there on the floor.”
The smoky undertone in his voice nearly undid her. Her hands trembled as she did as he said.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, as she stood before him, naked except for the frail black showgirl’s tights that enhanced, rather than concealed, the lower part of her body.
She decided the time had come to test him. “Lie back on the bed,” she said softly.
He hesitated for only a moment before he stretched out on his side and propped himself on one elbow. “Like this?”
“Oh, no. That won’t do at all. On your back, please.”
To her delight, he did as she said. He also propped his head up on two pillows so he wouldn’t miss anything.
She licked her lips, not quite certain she could pull this off, but determined to give it her best. “Now raise your hands until they’re touching the wall. And, Alex, I want you to keep them there.”
He gave her a lazy smile that turned her bones to water. “Are you sure about this?”
“Very sure.”
He did as she said, making her exceptionally proud of herself. She approached him. His eyes burned on her breasts and belly in a way that made her feel more naked in the tights than she would