“So how is business?” he asked.
As she pried off the lid, she told him about her party and her new clients. His smile held genuine pleasure. “Congratulations. Your hard work is paying off.”
“It looks like it.”
“So how are things with you and lover boy?”
It took her a moment to figure out who he was talking about. She dug into the Moose Tracks. “Better all the time.”
“That’s funny. I saw him at Waterworks a couple of nights ago in a lip-lock with a Britney Spears wannabe.”
She excavated a ribbon of chocolate sauce. “All part of my plan. I don’t want him to feel suffocated.”
“Trust me. He doesn’t.”
“You see. It’s working.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “This is only one man’s opinion, but I think you were better off with Raoul.”
She grinned, stuck the lid back on the container, and returned the ice cream to the freezer. While he ate, she washed a saucepan she’d left soaking in the sink and answered more of his questions about the party. Considering how tired he was, she appreciated his interest.
When he finished eating, he brought his plate over. He’d devoured everything, even the french fry. “Thanks. That was the best meal I’ve had in days.”
“Wow, you have been busy.”
He retrieved what was left of the Moose Tracks from the freezer. “I’m too tired to go home. Do you have a spare bed where I can crash?”
She banged her shin against the dishwasher door. “Ouch! You want to stay here tonight?”
He looked up from the ice cream carton with a slightly puzzled expression, as if he didn’t understand her question. “I haven’t slept in two days. Is it a problem? I promise I’m too tired to jump you if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Of course I’m not worried.” She occupied herself pulling the trash can out from under the sink. “I suppose it’s okay. But Nana’s old bedroom faces the alley, and tomorrow’s garbage day.”
“I’ll survive.”
Seeing how tired he was, she really couldn’t understand why he hadn’t waited until tomorrow and called with the news about Keri. Unless he didn’t want to be alone tonight. Maybe his feelings for Keri went deeper than he was letting on. Some of the air leaked out of her happiness bubble.
“I’ll carry that out.” He stuck the ice cream back in the freezer and took the trash bag she’d just bundled up.
It was all too domestic. The late night, the cozy kitchen, shared chores. She in her pajamas with no bra. The mood-swing roller coaster she’d been riding for weeks took another dip.
When he returned from trash detail, he locked the door behind him and nodded toward the backyard. “That car…Let me guess. Nana’s?”
“Sherman’s more a personality than a car.”
“You actually drive that thing where people can see you?”
“Some of us can’t afford a BMW.”
He shook his head. “I guess if this matchmaking gig doesn’t work out, you could paint it yellow and stick a meter on the dashboard.”
“I’m sure you amuse yourself.”
He smiled and headed for the front of the house. “How about showing me my bedroom, Tinker Bell?”
This was too weird. She flipped off the light, determined to keep it laid-back. “If you happen to be one of those people who doesn’t like mice, pull the sheet over your head. That generally keeps them away.”
“I apologize for making fun of your car.”