“You’re not getting married. You haven’t even gone out on a second date.”

“Only because I’ve hired two semi-incompetent matchmakers.”

She hadn’t told him about Portia’s visit, but what could she say? That Portia Powers was a bitch. He probably already knew that. Besides, she had something else she needed to tell him, and she dreaded doing it. “I got a call from Claudia Reeshman this morning. She still wants to meet you.”

“No kidding?” He kicked back in his chair, a crooked grin on his face. “Why’d she call you instead of Powers?”

“I guess we sort of connected on Thursday.”


“I thought I’d convinced her you were unworthy, but apparently not.” She picked up her pizza, even though she’d lost her appetite. “So I suppose you want me to add her to Wednesday night’s agenda?”


A glob of cheese slid into her lap. “You don’t?”

“Didn’t you say she wasn’t right for me?”

“She’s not, but…”

“Then no.”

Something warm and sweet unfurled inside her. “Thanks.” Embarrassed, she scrubbed at her lap.

“You’re welcome.”

She took her time wiping off her fingers. “The woman I’m introducing you to on Wednesday isn’t as beautiful.”

“Not many are. Reeshman’s last SI cover was incredible.”

“She’s a harpist finishing up a master’s in music performance. Twenty-eight, an undergraduate degree from Vassar. You were supposed to meet her last Thursday.”

“Is she ugly?”

“Of course she’s not ugly.” She snatched up her plate and carried it to the sink.

Heath didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Finally, he picked up his own plate and brought it to her. “On the off chance Dean calls you again, be careful what you say about me.”

“What makes you think there’s only an off chance?”

He nodded toward the table. “You want another slice?”

“No.” She shoved his plate in the dishwasher. “No, I want to hear this. Why are you so sure he won’t call?”

“Calm down. I only meant that you’ve got a few years on him.”

“So?” She slammed the dishwasher closed and told herself to shut up, but the words kept coming. “Older women and younger men are all the fashion these days. Don’t you read People?”

“Dean only dates party girls.”

She knew what he really meant, and a streak of masochism made her push him to say it aloud. “Spit it out. You don’t think I’m hot enough for him.”

“Stop putting words in my mouth. All I’m saying is that the two of you aren’t going to make a love connection.”

“True. But we might make a sex connection.”