A short silence fell. Kevin gazed at his brother-in-law. “Are you thinking the same thing I am?”


“Me, too,” Webster said.

Ron nodded. So did the others. Heath smiled, and they all returned their attention to their dinner plates.

“What?” Molly shrieked.

Kevin shook his head. “No sex-change operation in the world is going to fix a duck hook like that.”

The women left the men at the inn and returned to the B&B, where Krystal locked them into the cozy back parlor, drew the shades, and turned down the lights. “Tonight,” she announced, “we’re going to celebrate our sexuality.”

“I read that book,” Molly said. “And if anybody starts taking off her clothes and grabbing a mirror, I’m out of here.”

“We’re not celebrating that way,” Krystal said. “All of us have some issues we need to face. For example…Charmaine’s too uptight.”


“You undressed in the closet for the first two years of your marriage.”

“That was a long time ago, and I don’t undress there anymore.”

“Only because Darnell threatened to take the door off. But you’re not the only one with sexual hang-ups. Annabelle doesn’t say much about it, but we all know she hasn’t slept with anybody since Rob traumatized her. Unless last night …?”

They all turned to gaze at her.

“I’m his matchmaker! We’re not having sex!”

“Which is a good thing,” Molly said. “But Dean Robillard’s a whole different matter. Talk about the ultimate boy toy.”

“We’re straying,” Krystal said. “Three of us have been married for a long time, and no matter how much we love our husbands, things can get a little stale.”

“Or not,” Phoebe drawled with her cat’s smile.

They all snickered, but Krystal wouldn’t be distracted. “Molly and Kevin have young kids, and we know what a crimp that can put in your sex life.”

“Or not.” Molly offered up her own cat’s smile.

“The point is…It’s time we get more in touch with our sexuality.”

“I’m way too much in touch with mine,” Janine said. “I just wish somebody else would touch it, too.”

More snickers.

“Go ahead and make jokes,” Krystal said. “We’re still going to watch this film. We’ll be better women for it.”

Charmaine went on full alert. “What kind of film?”

“An erotic movie made especially for women.”

“You’re kidding. Really, Krystal.”

“The one I selected—a personal favorite—involves actors of various races, ages, and degrees of hotness, so nobody’ll feel excluded.”

“This is your big mystery?” Phoebe said. “That we’re going to watch porn together?”

“Erotica. Made just for women. And until you’ve seen some of these movies, you shouldn’t judge.”