“Yes, well…” Like Molly, Helen had given up any pretense of eating, and she crossed her arms on the edge of the table. “Also, Daphne and Melissa are holding hands and skipping down Periwinkle Path. There’s some dialogue.”
“A song. They’re singing a song.”
“That’s right. The lyrics are ‘It’s spring! It’s spring! We’re gay! We’re gay!’“
Molly laughed for what seemed the first time in two months, but her editor’s tight-lipped smile sobered her. “Helen, you’re not seriously telling me they think Daphne and Melissa are getting it on?”
“It’s not just Daphne and Melissa. Benny—”
“Hold it right there! Even the most paranoid person couldn’t accuse Benny of being gay. He’s so macho that he—”
“They’ve pointed out that he borrows a lipstick in Daphne Plants a Pumpkin Patch.”
“He uses it to make his face scary so he can frighten Daphne! This is so ludicrous it doesn’t even deserve a response.”
“We agree. On the other hand, I’d be less than truthful if I didn’t admit we’re a little edgy about this. We think SKIFSA wants to use you to raise their profile, and they’re going to do it by zeroing in on Daphne Takes a Tumble.”
“So what? When the fringe groups started accusing J. K. Rowling of Satanism in the Harry Potter books, her publisher ignored it.”
“Forgive me, Molly, but Daphne isn’t quite as well known as Harry Potter.”
And Molly didn’t have either J. K. Rowling’s clout or her money. The possibility of Helen’s authorizing the rest of her advance seemed to be growing more remote by the minute.
“Look, Molly, I know this is ridiculous, and Birdcage is standing behind the Daphne books one hundred percent—there’s no question about that. But we’re a small company, and I thought it was only fair to tell you that we’re getting a fair amount of pressure about Daphne Takes a Tumble.”
“I’m sure it’ll disappear as soon as the press lets go of the story about… about my marriage.”
“That may take a while. There’s been so much speculation…” She let her words trail off, subtly hinting for details.
Molly knew it was the air of mystery around her marriage that was keeping the press interested, but she refused to comment on it, and so did Kevin. His courteous, formal calls to check up on her had finally stopped at her insistence. From the time he’d learned of her pregnancy right through her miscarriage, his behavior had been faultless, and the resentment she felt whenever she thought of him made her ashamed, so she stopped thinking about him.
“We think it’s a good idea to be cautious now.” Her editor slipped an envelope from the folder she had at her side and passed it across the table. Unfortunately, it was too large to contain a check.
“Luckily, Daphne Takes a Tumble hasn’t gone into final production yet, and that gives us a chance to make a few of the changes they’re suggesting. Just to avoid any misunderstanding.”
“I don’t want to make changes.” The muscles tightened in a painful band around Molly’s shoulders.
“I understand, but we think—”
“You told me you loved the book.”
“And we’re totally committed. The changes I’m suggesting are very minor. Just look through them and think about it. We can talk more next week.”
Molly was furious when she left the restaurant. By the time she got home, however, her anger had faded, and the bleak sense of emptiness she couldn’t shake off settled over her once again. She tossed aside the envelope with Helen’s suggestions and went to bed.
Lilly wore the shawl Mallory had given her to the J. Paul Getty Museum. She stood on one of the curved balconies that made the museum so wonderful and gazed out over the hills of Los Angeles. The May day was sunny, and if she turned her head a bit, she could see Brentwood. She could even make out the tile roof of her house. She’d loved the house when she and Craig first found it, but now all the walls seemed to be closing in on her. Like so much else in her life, it was more Craig’s than hers.
She slipped back inside the museum, but she paid little attention to the old masters on the wall. It was the Getty itself she loved. The cluster of ultramodern buildings with their wonderful balconies and unpredictable angles formed a work of art that pleased her far more than the precious objects inside. A dozen times since Craig’s death she’d ridden the sleek white tram that carried visitors to the hilltop museum. The way the buildings enfolded her made her feel as if she’d become part of the art—frozen in time at the moment of perfection.
People magazine had showed up on the stands today with a two-page story about Kevin and his mystery marriage. She’d fled here to escape a nearly overwhelming urge to pick up the phone and call Charlotte Long, the woman who was her only inside source of information about Kevin. It was May, and the marriage and separation had taken place three months ago, but she didn’t know anything more now than she had then. If only she could call Charlotte Long without worrying that she’d tell Kevin.
As she headed down the staircase and into the courtyard, she tried to figure out how to keep herself busy for the rest of the day. No one was banging on her door begging her to star in a new film. She didn’t want to start another quilting project because it would give her too much time to think, and she’d had more than enough of that lately. The breeze loosened a lock of hair and whipped it against her cheek. Maybe she should stop worrying about the consequences and just give in to the urge to call Charlotte Long.
But how much pain did she want to put herself through when she couldn’t see any possibility of a happy ending?
If only she could see him.
Chapter 7