It might have been her imagination but Roo looked censorious. The traitor missed Kevin.
“Let’s get our chores done, pal. First thing tomorrow we’re taking off for the North Woods.”
Roo perked up.
“Don’t get too excited, because we’re not staying. I meant it, Roo, I’m giving the place away!”
Except she wouldn’t. She kicked a dish box aside, wishing it were Kevin’s head. He’d done this out of guilt. This was his way of trying to make it up to her because she’d fallen in love with him and he didn’t love her back.
A great big pity present.
Chapter 25
Daphne wasn’t speaking to Benny, and Benny didn’t care, and Melissa couldn’t find her movie-star sunglasses, and it had started to rain. Everything was a big mess!
Daphne Goes to Summer Camp
Lilly stopped just inside the B&B’s kitchen door. Molly had fallen asleep at the table. Her head rested on her arm, her hand lay by her sketch pad, and her hair spilled across the old oak tabletop like overturned syrup. How could Lilly ever have believed she was a dilettante?
Since Molly had returned to the campground ten days ago, she’d finished the illustrations for Daphne Goes to Summer Camp, started a new book, and written an article for Chik, all that in addition to cooking and tending to guests. She couldn’t relax, even though she’d told Lilly her new contract had finally given her financial stability. Lilly knew she was trying not to dwell on Kevin and understood her quiet suffering. She could have strangled her son.
Molly stirred and blinked, then looked up and smiled. There were shadows under her eyes. They probably matched the shadows under Lilly’s own. “Have a nice walk?”
“I did.”
She sat up and tucked her hair behind her ears. “Liam was here.”
Lilly’s heart skipped a beat. Other than catching a glimpse of him in town a few days after he’d issued his ultimatum, she hadn’t seen him in weeks. Instead of growing easier, their separation had become more painful.
“He brought something for you,” Molly said. “I had him put it in your room.”
“What is it?”
“You probably should see for yourself.” She picked up a pen that had fallen to the floor, then began to fiddle with it. “He asked me to tell you good-bye.”
Lilly felt chilled, even though the kitchen was warm. “He’s leaving?”
“Today. He’s going to live in Mexico for a while. He wants to experiment with the light.”
She shouldn’t be shocked. Had she expected him to sit around waiting for her to change her mind? Anyone who understood Liam Jenner’s art knew he was fundamentally a man of action. “I see.”
Molly rose and gave her a sympathetic look. “You’ve screwed up so bad.”
“So badly,” she retorted, in one of those leftover reflexes from life with Craig.
“Not that I could survive without you, but, with Kevin gone, why are you still here?”
Lilly had made plans to meet Kevin in Chicago soon. Neither of them wanted to keep their relationship a secret, and Kevin had already flown to North Carolina to share the news with his friends, the Bonners. He’d also told Cal’s brothers, their wives, and the guy sitting next to him on the plane, according to their last phone call.
Lilly yearned to see him again, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave the campground yet. She told herself she was staying because of Molly. “I’m hanging around to help you out, you ungrateful little twit.”
Molly carried her water glass to the sink. “Other than that.”
“Because it’s peaceful here, and I hate LA.”
“Or maybe because you can’t make yourself walk away from Liam, even though you’ve treated him like crap and you don’t deserve him.”
“If you think he’s so wonderful, take him yourself. You have no idea what it’s like being married to a controlling man.”