Kevin graced her with his aw-shucks expression. Molly wanted to tell her not to bother flirting with him, since she didn’t have a foreign accent.
“I’d love to hear your take on the draft.” Chet readjusted the navy cotton sweater he’d tossed around the shoulders of his kelly green polo shirt.
“How about the two of us share a beer out on the front porch later on tonight?”
“I wouldn’t mind joining you,” walrus mustache interjected, while lime green pants nodded in agreement.
“We’ll all do it,” Kevin said graciously.
John Pearson polished off the last of the Oreos. “Now that Betty and I know you personally, we’ll have to start following the Stars. You, uh, wouldn’t happen to have located one of Judith’s lemon-poppy seed cakes in the freezer, would you?”
“I have no idea,” Kevin said. “And that reminds me, I’d better apologize in advance for tomorrow’s breakfast. Pancakes from a mix is the best I can do, so if you decide to leave, I’ll understand. That offer for double your refund still stands.”
“We wouldn’t think about leaving such a charming place.” Mrs. Chet gave Kevin a look that had adultery written all over it. “And don’t worry about breakfast. I’ll be glad to pitch in.”
Molly did her part to protect the Ten Commandments by forcing herself out of the doorway and into the room. “That won’t be necessary. I know Kevin wants you to relax while you’re here, and I think I can promise that the food will be a little better tomorrow.”
Kevin’s eyes flickered, but if she expected him to fall at her feet from gratitude, he quickly disabused her of the notion with his introduction. “This is my estranged wife, Molly.”
“She doesn’t look strange,” walrus mustache’s wife said in a too-loud whisper to her friend.
“That’s because you don’t know her,” Kevin murmured.
“My wife’s a bit hard of hearing.” Like the others, Mr. Mustache was obviously taken aback by Kevin’s introduction. Several of those in the room regarded her curiously. The People spread…
Molly tried to be annoyed, but it was a relief not having to pretend they were a happily married couple.
John Pearson stepped forward hastily. “Your husband has quite a sense of humor. We’re delighted you’ll be cooking for us, Mrs. Tucker.”
“Please call me Molly. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to check the supplies in the kitchen. And I know your rooms aren’t as orderly as they should be, but Kevin will clean them up himself before bedtime.” As she headed down the hallway, she decided Mr. Tough Guy didn’t always have to have the last word.
Her satisfaction faded the moment she opened the kitchen door and saw the young lovers having sex against Aunt Judith’s refrigerator. She stepped backward only to bump into Kevin’s chest.
He peered over her head. “Awww, for Pete’s sake.”
The lovers sprang apart. Molly was ready to avert her eyes, but Kevin stalked into the kitchen. He glared at Amy, whose scrunchy had come out of her hair and who was doing up her buttons wrong. “I thought I asked you to get those dishes cleaned up.”
“Yeah, well, uh… “
“Troy, you’re supposed to be mowing the Common.”
He struggled with his zipper. “I was just getting ready to—”
“I know exactly what you were getting ready to do, and believe me, that won’t get the grass cut!”
Troy looked sulky and muttered under his breath.
“Did you say something?” Kevin’s bark must be the same one he used on rookies.
Troy’s Adam’s apple worked. “There’s, uh, too much work to do around here for what we’re getting paid.”
“And what’s that?”
Troy told him, and Kevin doubled it on the spot. Troy’s eyes gleamed. “Cool.”
“But there’s a catch,” Kevin said smoothly. “You’re going to have to actually do some work for that money. Amy, sweetheart, don’t even think about leaving tonight until those guest rooms are spick-and-span. And, Troy, you’ve got an appointment with the lawn mower. Any questions?”