“I want you to open the door.”
“Because I need to talk to you.”
“I don’t want to talk.” She grabbed a tissue and blew her nose.
“Tough. Unless you’d like everyone in this building to know your private business, I suggest you open up.”
Reluctantly, she flipped the lock. As she opened the door, she wished she were armed.
Kevin stood on the other side, dazzling and perfect with his healthy body, gleaming blond hair, and blazing green eyes. Her head pounded. She wanted to hide behind dark glasses.
He pushed his way past her snarling poodle and shut the door. “You look like hell.”
She stumbled over to the couch. “Roo, be quiet.”
The dog gave Molly an offended sniff as she lay down.
“Have you seen a doctor?”
“I don’t need a doctor. My cold is almost gone.”
“How about a shrink?” He walked over to the windows and began opening them.
“Stop that.” It was bad enough that she had to endure his arrogance and the threatening glare of his good looks. She didn’t have to tolerate fresh air, too. “Will you go away?”
As he gazed around at her condo, she noticed the dirty dishes littering the kitchen counter, the bathrobe hanging over the end of the couch, and the dusty tabletops. He was an uninvited guest, and she didn’t care.
“You blew off the appointment with the attorney yesterday.”
“What appointment?” She shoved a hand into her ratty hair, then winced as it caught on a snarl. Half an hour ago she’d stumbled into the bathroom to brush her teeth, but she couldn’t remember taking a shower. And her shabby gray Northwestern nightshirt smelled like poodle.
“The annulment?” He glanced toward the pile of unopened mail spilling out of the white Crate & Barrel shopping bag next to the door and said sarcastically, “I guess you didn’t get the letter.”
“I guess. You’d better leave. I might still be contagious.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He wandered over to the windows and gazed down at the parking lot. “Nice view.”
She closed her eyes to sneak in a nap.
Kevin didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone more pathetic. This pasty-faced, stringy-haired, musty-smelling, sniffling, sad-eyed female was his wife. Hard to believe she was the daughter of a showgirl. He should have let his attorney take care of this, but he kept seeing the raw desperation in her eyes when she’d begged him to hold her legs together, as if brute strength alone could keep that baby inside her.
I know you hate me, but…
He couldn’t quite hate her any longer, not after he’d watched her fruitless struggle to hold on to that baby. But he did hate the way he felt, as if he had some sort of responsibility for her. Training camp started in less than two months. He needed to be focusing all his energy on getting ready for next season. He gazed at her resentfully.
You have to set an example, Kevin. Do the right thing.
He moved away from the windows and stepped over her worthless, pampered dog. Why did someone with her millions live in such a small place? Convenience, maybe. She probably had at least three other addresses, all of them in warm climates.
He sank down on the sectional couch at the opposite end from where she was lying and studied her critically. She must have dropped ten pounds since the miscarriage. Her hair had grown longer, nearly to her jawline, and it had lost that silky sheen he remembered from their wedding day. She hadn’t bothered with makeup, and the deep bruises under those exotic eyes made her look as if she’d been somebody’s punching bag.
“I had an interesting conversation with one of your neighbors.”
She settled her wrist over her eyes. “I promise I’ll call your attorney first thing in the morning if you’ll just leave.”
“The guy recognized me right away.”