He raced
back to his car and returned moments later with his cell phone and a wool stadium blanket that he tossed over her. Before he slid behind the wheel, he threw a jacket on the seat. Covering up her blood.
As he pulled back onto the highway, she willed her arms to keep their strength as she clamped her legs together. He was talking to someone on the phone… locating a hospital. The tires on her tiny Bug squealed as they hurtled down the highway and around a bend. Reckless, daredevil driving. Please, God…
She had no idea how long it took to reach the hospital. She knew only that he was opening the door next to her and getting ready to pick her up again.
She tried to blink away her tears as she gazed up at him. “Please… I know you hate me, but…” She gasped against another cramp. “My legs… I have to keep my legs together.”
He studied her for a moment, then slowly nodded.
She felt as though she weighed nothing as he slipped his arms beneath the skirt of her wedding dress and lifted her so effortlessly. He pressed her thighs tightly against his body and carried her through the door.
Someone came forward with a wheelchair, and he hurried toward it.
“No…” She tried to grip his arm, but she was too weak. “My legs… If you set me down…”
“Right here, sir,” the attendant called out.
“Just show me where to take her,” Kevin said.
“I’m sorry, sir, but—”
“Get moving!”
She rested her cheek against his chest and for a moment felt as if she and her baby were safe. The moment evaporated as he carried her into a curtained cubicle and carefully set her on the table.
“We’ll take care of her while you go to registration, sir,” the nurse said.
He squeezed Molly’s hand. For the first time since he’d come back from Australia, he looked concerned instead of hostile. “I’ll be right back.”
As she gazed into the flickering fluorescent light above her, she wondered how he’d fill out the paperwork. He didn’t know her birthday or her middle name. He knew nothing about her.
The nurse was young, with a soft, sweet face. But when she tried to help Molly off with her bloody panties, Molly refused. She’d have to ease open her legs to do that.
The nurse stroked her arm. “I’ll be very careful.”
But in the end it didn’t do any good. By the time the emergency room doctor arrived to examine her, Molly had already lost her baby.
Kevin refused to let them dismiss her until the next day, and because he was a celebrity, he got his wish. Through the window of the private room she saw a parking lot and a line of barren trees. She shut her eyes against the voices.
One of the doctors was talking to Kevin, using the deferential tone people adopted when they spoke with someone famous. “Your wife is young and healthy, Mr. Tucker. She’ll need to be checked by her own physician, but I don’t see any reason why the two of you won’t be able to have another child.”
Molly saw a reason.
Someone took her hand. She didn’t know if it was a nurse, the doctor, or Kevin. She didn’t care. She pulled her hand away.
“How are you feeling?” Kevin whispered.
She pretended to be asleep.
He stayed in her room for a long time. When he finally left, she rolled over and reached for the telephone.
Her head was fuzzy from the pills they’d given her, and she had to dial twice before she finally got through. When Phoebe answered, Molly started to cry. “Come get me. Please…”
Dan and Phoebe appeared in her room sometime after midnight. Molly thought Kevin had left, but he must have been sleeping in the lounge because she heard him talking to Dan.
Phoebe stroked her cheek. Fertile Phoebe, who’d given birth to four children without mishap. One of her tears dropped onto Molly’s arm. “Oh, Moll… I’m so sorry.”