Kevin felt sick. She’d told him there hadn’t been any consequences when he’d called. She’d even had her boyfriend with her.
“You could at least have had the decency to use a goddamn rubber!”
His brain started working again, and there was no way he’d take the blame for this. “I talked to Daph—to your sister-in-law before I left Chicago, and she said everything was fine. Maybe you’d better have this conversation with her boyfriend.”
“She’s a little preoccupied to have a boyfriend right now.”
“She’s holding out on you,” he said carefully. “You made this trip for nothing. She’s going with a guy named Benny.”
“I don’t know how long they’ve been together, but I’m guessing he’s the one responsible for her current condition.”
“Benny’s not her boyfriend, you arrogant son of a bitch! He’s a fricking badger!”
Kevin stared at him, then headed for the wet bar. “Maybe we’d better start over from the beginning.”
Molly parked her Beetle behind Phoebe’s BMW. As she got out of the car, she dodged a mound of dingy, ice-crusted snow. Northern Illinois was in the grip of a frigid spell that showed every sign of lingering, but she didn’t mind. February was the best time of year for curling up with a warm computer and a sketchbook, or just for daydreaming.
Daphne couldn’t wait until the baby rabbit was big enough to play with. They’d dress up in skirts with sparkly beads and say, “Oo-la-la! You look divine!” Then they’d drop water balloons on Benny and his friends.
Molly was glad her speech at the literacy luncheon was over and that Phoebe had come along for moral support. Although she loved visiting schools to read to children, giving speeches to adults made her nervous, especially with an unpredictable stomach.
A month had passed since she’d discovered she was pregnant, and every day the baby became more real to her. She hadn’t been able to resist buying a tiny pair of unisex denim overalls, and she couldn’t wait to start wearing maternity clothes, although, since she was only two and a half months along, that wasn’t necessary yet.
She followed her sister inside the rambling stone farmhouse. It had been Dan’s before he and Phoebe were married, and he hadn’t uttered a word of complaint when Molly had moved in along with his new bride.
Roo raced out to growl hello, while his more mannerly sister, Kanga, trotted behind. Molly had left him here while she was at the luncheon, and as soon as she hung up her coat, she leaned over to greet both dogs. “Hey, Roo. Hello, Kanga, sweetie.”
Both poodles rolled over to get their tummies scratched.
As Molly complied, she watched Phoebe slip the Hermes scarf she’d been wearing into the pocket of Andrew’s jacket.
“What’s with you?” Molly asked. “All afternoon you’ve been distracted.”
“Distracted? What do you mean?”
Molly retrieved the scarf and held it out to her sister. “Andrew gave up cross-dressing when he turned four.”
“Oh, dear. I guess—” She broke off as Dan appeared from the back of the house.
“What are you doing here?” Molly asked. “Phoebe told me you were traveling.”
“I was.” He kissed his wife. “Just got back.”
“Did you sleep in those clothes? You look awful.”
“It was a long flight. Come in the family room, will you, Molly?”
The dogs trailed behind her as she made her way toward the back of the house. The family room was part of the addition that had been built as the Calebow family had grown. It had lots of glass and comfortable seating areas, some with armchairs for reading, another with a table for doing homework or playing games. A state-of-the-art stereo system held everything from Raffi to Rachmaninoff.
“So where did you go anyway? I thought you were—” Molly’s words died as she saw the large man with dark blond hair standing in the corner of the room. The green eyes she’d once found so alluring regarded her with undiluted hostility.
Her heart began to hammer. His clothes were as wrinkled as Dan’s, and stubble covered his jaw. Although he had a fresh suntan, he didn’t look like someone who’d come off a relaxing vacation. Instead, he looked dangerously wired and ready to detonate.
Molly remembered Phoebe’s distraction that afternoon, her furtive expression when she’d slipped into the back of the room right after Molly’s speech to take a call on her cell phone. There was nothing coincidental about this meeting. Somehow Phoebe and Dan had unearthed the truth.