“Molly.” Kevin’s voice sounded a warning note, and Eddie tossed him a pitying look. Kevin narrowed his eyes at her. “Maybe you’d better go check on Amy.”

Ignoring him, she zeroed in on Eddie. “People have been coming here for years. The campground needs to stay the way it is, and the bed-and-breakfast, too. The house is filled with antiques, and it’s in wonderful condition. It even runs at a profit.” Not much of one, but at least it paid for itself.

Eddie gave an open-mouthed laugh that revealed too much of his salami sandwich. He jabbed his brother. “Hey, Larry, you want to run a bread-and-breakfast?”

“Yeah, sure.” Larry snorted and reached for his beer. “As long as I can have a pool table, satellite TV, and no women.”

“Molly… out. Right now.” Kevin jerked his head toward the door.

Eddie chuckled as the little woman was finally put in her place.

Molly clenched her teeth, then drew her lips into a stiff smile. “I’m leaving, darling. Just make sure you clean up after your friends. And last time you washed dishes, you splashed—so don’t forget to wear your apron.”

Now that was pussy-whipping!

After dinner Molly pleaded an upset stomach to the munchkins and told them they’d have to sleep in their own cottage. Since it was their last night here, she felt guilty, but she didn’t have any choice. She changed into jeans, turned out the lights, and curled up in the chair by the open window. Then she waited.

She didn’t worry about Kevin dropping in. He’d gone to town with the Dillards, where, if there was any justice, he’d get drunk and end up with a world-class hangover. Also they hadn’t spoken all afternoon.

During tea she could see right away that he was angry with her, but she didn’t care because she was angry right back. You duh man… You duh big dumb jerk! Selling the campground was bad enough, but selling it to somebody who intended to destroy it was unconscionable, and she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t at least try to put a stop to it.

Lilies of the Field was too isolated for her to be able to see the men when they returned from town, but the campground was quiet enough that she knew she’d hear them. Sure enough, a little after one in the morning the sound of a car engine drifted through the window. As she straightened in the chair, she wished there weren’t so many loopholes in her plan, but it was the best she had.

She pulled on her sneakers, grabbed the flashlight she’d swiped from the house, and left Roo behind so she could set to work. Forty-five minutes later she let herself inside Lamb of God, where Eddie and Larry were spending the night. She’d checked it out earlier, right after the men had left for town, to see which bedroom was Eddie’s. Now it smelled like stale liquor.

Moving closer, she gazed down at the big, dumb, drunken lump under the covers. “Eddie?”

The lump didn’t move.

“Eddie,” she whispered again, hoping she didn’t wake up Larry, too, since it would be easier dealing with only one of them. “Eddie, wake up.”

Fumes came off him as he stirred. Someone this gross shouldn’t be allowed in Nightingale Woods. “Yeah… yeah?” He wedged open his eyes. “Whatzu…”

“It’s Molly,” she whispered. “Kevin’s estranged wife. I need to talk to you.”

“Whadya… whatzabout?”

“About the fishing camp. It’s very important.”

He started to lever himself up, then fell back into the pillow.

“I wouldn’t bother you if it weren’t important. I’ll just step outside while you put some clothes on. Oh, and you don’t need to wake Larry.”

“Do we hafta talk now?”

“I’m afraid so. Unless you want to make a terrible mistake.” She hurried from the room, hoping he’d get up.

A few minutes later he stumbled out the front door. She put her fingers to her lips and gestured for him to follow. Sweeping her flashlight across the ground, she cut across the edge of the Common, then headed back toward Lilies of the Field. Before she got there, however, she turned into the woods and headed toward the lake.

The wind had picked up. She felt a storm brewing and hoped it didn’t hit until she was done with this. He loomed next to her, a big, hulking shape.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s something you need to see.”

“Couldn’t I see it in the morning?”

“That’ll be too late.”