“Isn’t that what makes anything worth doing?”

“No plane’s going to take you up on a day like today.” Except th

at celebrities like Kevin could get people to do just about anything.

“I don’t think I’d have too much trouble finding a pilot. If I did plan to go skydiving.”

“I’ll call Dan,” she threatened. “I’m sure he’ll be interested to hear just how lightly you’ve taken your suspension.”

“Now you’re scaring me,” he drawled. “I’ll bet you were one of those bratty little girls who tattled to the teacher when the boys misbehaved.”

“I didn’t go to school with boys until I was fifteen, so I missed the opportunity.”

“That’s right. You’re a rich kid, aren’t you?”

“Rich and pampered,” she lied. “What about you?” Maybe if she distracted him with conversation, he’d forget about skydiving.

“Middle class and definitely not pampered.”

He still looked restless, and she was trying to think of something to talk about when she spotted two books on the coffee table that hadn’t been there earlier. She looked more closely and saw that one was the new Scott Turow, the other a rather scholarly volume on the cosmos that she’d tried to get into but set aside for something lighter. “You read?”

His mouth twitched as he slouched into the sectional sofa. “Only if I can’t get anybody to do it for me.”

“Very funny.” She settled at the opposite end of the couch, unhappy with the revelation that he enjoyed books. Roo moved closer, ready to guard her in case Kevin took it into his mind to tackle her again.

You wish.

“Okay, I’ll concede that you’re not quite as… intellectually impaired as you appear to be.”

“Let me put that in my press kit.”

She’d set her trap quite nicely. “That being the case, why do you keep doing such stupid things?”

“Like what?”

“Like skydiving. skiing from a helicopter. Then there’s that dirt-track racing you did right after training camp.”

“You seem to know a lot about me.”

“Only because you’re part of the family business, so don’t take it personally. Besides, everybody in Chicago knows what you’ve been up to.”

“The media make a big deal out of nothing.”

“It’s not exactly nothing.” She kicked off her rabbit’s-head slippers and tucked her feet under her. “I don’t get it. You’ve always been the poster boy for pro athletes. You don’t drive drunk or beat up women. You show up early for practice and stay late. No gambling scandals, no grandstanding, not even much trash talk. Then all of a sudden you freak out.”

“I haven’t freaked out.”

“What else can you call it?”

He cocked his head. “They sent you up here to spy on me, didn’t they?”

She laughed, even though it compromised her role as a rich bitch. “I’m the last person any of them would trust with team business. I’m sort of a geek.” She made an X over her heart. “Come on, Kevin. Cross my heart, I won’t say a thing. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I enjoy a little excitement, and I’m not apologizing for it.”

She wanted more, so she continued her exploring mission. “Don’t your lady friends worry about you?”

“If you want to know about my love life, just ask. That way I can have the pleasure of telling you to mind your own business.”