He didn’t say anything, just gazed out at the Common.
She considered it a tribute to her maturity that only a small bubble of laughter escaped. “Sorry your playmate ran away.”
He stubbed the heel of his sneaker in the grass. “I made a fool out of myself, didn’t I?”
Her heart melted, and she rested her cheek against his shoulder. “Yes, but the world could use more fools like you. You’re a very nice man.”
He smiled down at her. She smiled back. And that’s when it hit her.
This wasn’t a crush at all. She’d fallen in love with him.
She was so horrified, she jerked away.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” She started to chatter to cover up her dismay. “There’s another family. More children. Checking in today with… some kids. The Smiths. They didn’t say how many—how many kids. Amy talked to them.”
In love with Kevin Tucker! Please, not that! Hadn’t she learned anything? She knew from her childhood how impossible it was to make someone love her, yet she’d once again fallen into that old, destructive pattern. What about all her dreams and hopes? What about her Great Love Story?
She felt like burying her head in her hands and crying. She wanted love, but he only wanted sex. He stirred beside her. She was glad of the distraction, and she followed the direction of his gaze across the Common. The O’Brian boys were chasing each other while they waited for Cody to change into his swim trunks. Two girls who looked as though they were about fourteen came walking up from the beach carrying a boom box. Kevin took in the kids, the boom box, the old trees, the sherbet-colored cottages.
“I can’t believe this is the same place.”
“It’s not,” she managed. “Things change.” She cleared her throat and tried to block out her turmoil. “The woman you hired. Is she starting tomorrow?”
“She told me I had to fire Amy first.”
“What? You can’t! She’s finishing all her work and doing everything you ask! Besides, that patronizing little twit’s terrific with the guests.” She shot up from the step. “I mean it, Kevin. You should make her cover up her hickeys, but you can’t fire her.”
He didn’t respond.
Molly grew alarmed. “Kevin…”
“Relax, will you? Of course I’m not going to fire her. That’s why that old biddy drove off in a huff.”
“Thank God. What was her problem with Amy?”
“Apparently Amy and her daughter went to high school together and never got along. If her daughter’s like her mother, I’m on Amy’s side.”
“You did the right thing.”
“I guess. But this is a small town, and I’ve reached the end of a very short list. The college kids have all gone to work on Mackinac Island for the summer, and the kind of person I need to hire isn’t interested in taking a job that’s only going to last through September.”
“That’s your answer, then. Keep this place and make the job permanent.”
“That’s not going to happen, but I do have another idea.” He stood and looked down at her, his eyes doing a sexy dance and his mouth curling in a smile. “Did I mention that you look real good naked?”
She shivered. “What idea?”
He spoke lower. “Do you have any animals on your panties today?”
“I forget.”
“Then I guess I’ll have to look.”
“You will not!”
“Yeah? Who’s gonna stop me?”