He drew her down the stairs, and the next thing she knew, he was pressing her against the side of his Camry with his hips. "I can't stop thinking about that night."

He rubbed her bare shoulders with his thumbs, and she felt the heat from his body through the knit of her dress. A truck buzzed by.

"You care about me," he whispered. "Shouldn't I be the one you lose your virginity to instead of somebody you don't care about?"

"How… How do you know I haven't already lost it?"

"I just do."

Her conscience went to war with her desire for him. "It's not right."

He dipped his head and she felt his jaw move against her hair. "Why don't we lose our virginities together?"

"You're not a virgin."

"It's been so long since I've had sex that I feel like one."

"I don't… I don't believe it works that way."

"Sure it does." His lips touched her earlobe, and his scotch-soft breath brushed her cheek. "Yes or no. Your decision."

He was the snake, tempting her. He knew the way she felt about him, and it wasn't fair for him to deliberately manipulate her emotions like this.

"I don't love you anymore," she lied. "I never loved you. It was just infatuation."

His hands curved around the sides of her hips, and his thumbs brushed the tiny elastic ridge left by her skimpy panties. "You smell so good. I love the way you smell."

"I'm not wearing any perfume."

"I know."

She sighed. "Oh, Eth…"

"Yes or no?"

Anger exploded inside her, and she slapped away his hands. "Yes! Of course, yes! Because I'm weak and needy and I don't like you very much right now."

If she'd expected her outburst to slow him down, she was proven wrong.

"I can fix that." Within seconds, he had the car door unlocked and pushed her inside.

Instead of turning back out onto the highway, he simply swung the Camry across the gravel parking lot and into the narrow lane that led to the office of the EZ Sleep Motel.

"Oh, no…" She stared with dismay at the row of white wooden units with three large pines standing guard in front.

His voice held a pleading note she'd never heard before. "I can't wait any longer. I promise, Kristy, the next time it'll be champagne and satin sheets."

Without waiting for her to respond, he vaulted from the car and shot into the motel office. He was back within minutes. Again, he settled behind the wheel and drove to the end unit, where he parked crookedly, jumped out, and raced around to open her door.

The good Pastor Bonner hustled her inside like a teenager ready to score.

Ethan pushed the door shut behind them and let out a sigh of relief as he saw that the room was shabby, but clean. He knew there was no way on earth he could have kept her here if it had been dirty. And he wouldn't let her go. He simply couldn't stand this sense of separation between them any longer. He had to keep her here until he marked her for life.

The need to mark her was important, although he wouldn't do it with a hurtful bite or a marring bruise—that would be intolerable. But he wanted to do it with something indelible. He wanted a mark that would keep her by his side forever and make them best friends again. And the only way he could think of was to do it with sex.

No matter what she said, sex meant something to Kristy, or she wouldn't still be a virgin. Any man she had sex with would be important to her forever, and that's why it had to be him. Only him.

He searched for a less selfish reason to justify what he intended to do, and quickly found it. She was too precious for him to allow another man