She was going to have to spell it out. "Do you pay me for the hour we're flinging or not?"

He was clearly wary, and his answer tentative. "Yes?"

Her stomach sank. She turned away to gaze out the side window and whispered, "You jerk."

"No! I mean no! Of course I don't pay you."

"I'm barely making it as it is. I need every penny I can get! Yesterday afternoon cost me half a week's groceries."

There was a long silence. "I'm not going to win this one, am I?"

"Don't you see? Nothing can happen while we're working, even if we want it to, because you control my paycheck. And after work, I have a five-year-old to take care of. Our sexual relationship is doomed before it ever gets started."

"That's ridiculous, Rachel. And I'm not docking your pay for yesterday."

"Yes, you are!"

"Look. You're making a big deal out of nothing. If we want to make love, and the time is right, we'll make love. It doesn't have anything to do with paychecks."

He could pretend ignorance, but he knew exactly what she was talking about. At least he had the grace not to point out that she'd once offered him sex in exchange for the very paycheck they were arguing over.

He turned his attention back to the road, and nearly a mile slipped by before he spoke again. "You're really serious, aren't you? This is a problem for you."


"Okay. Then we'll both think about it and come up with a solution while you're having that period of yours."

His hand settled on her thigh and he caressed her with his thumb. "Are you okay? After yesterday?"

He sounded so concerned, she smiled. "I'm terrific, Bonner. Top of the world."

"Good." He squeezed her knee.

"And yourself?"

His chuckle had a dry sound, as if it hadn't been used in a long time. "Couldn't be better."

"Glad to hear it." She glanced out the side window. "You just passed Heartache Mountain."

"I know."

"I thought you were taking me home."

"We'll get there." He slipped off his sunglasses.

They drove into Salvation, and, just as they were entering the downtown area, he pulled into Dealy's Garage. As he parked the truck in front, she spotted the Escort sitting off to the side.

"Oh, Gabe…" She threw open the door, rushed over to the car, and promptly burst into tears.

"Nothing like a new set of tires to stir a lady's heart," he said dryly as he came up behind her. He curled his hand around her waist and stroked her.

"It's w-wonderful. But I don't—I don't have enough m-money to pay you back."

"Did I ask you to pay me back?" He sounded faintly indignant. "Cal's insurance will cover it."

"Not all of it. Even rich people have deductibles. Dwayne had deductibles on all four of our cars."

Ignoring her, he grasped her upper arm and steered her toward the truck. "We'll come back and get it. We have something to do first."