"I'll drive you home."



"All right."

He seemed surprised that she gave in so easily.. He hesitated, then nodded. "Let me put on some clothes."

"Take your time."

He turned away and disappeared into the bedroom. She spun around and began to push open the nursery door.

"I told you the tour was over," he said from behind her.

"You're being a total jerk! I have a lot of happy memories of this room, and I want to see it again."

"I'm so touched I'm getting tears in my eyes," he drawled. "Come on. You can help me get dressed." He shut the door before she could see inside and began steering her toward his bedroom.

"Don't bother. I'll walk home."

"Now who's being a jerk?"

It pained her to admit he was right, but it was frustrating to get so close and not be able to see the rest of the house. He closed the bedroom door after they were inside and headed into the walk-in closet.

She spotted the key lying on the bedside table where he'd left it, quickly slipped it into her pocket, then leaned against the bedpost. "Can I at least take a peek in my old room?"

He reappeared buttoning a denim shirt. "No. My sister-in-law uses it for her office when she stays here, and I don't think she'd appreciate you mucking around there."

"Who said anything about mucking around? I just want a peek."

"You can't have it." He picked up a pair of sweat socks from the floor and pushed his feet into them. As he put on his shoes, she glanced toward the far side of the room where the bathroom lay that linked this room with her old one.

"How often do your brother and sister-in-law show up here?"

He stood. "Not too often. Neither of them like the house very much."

"Why'd they buy it?"

"Privacy. They lived here for three months right after they were married, but they haven't spent much time here since. Cal was finishing out his contract with the Chicago Stars."

"What are they doing now?"

"He's started med school at UNC, and she's teaching there. One of these days, they'll renovate." He stood. "So why didn't you and G. Dwayne sleep in the same room?"

"He snored."

"Cut the bullshit, Rachel. Do you think you could do that? Do you think you could cut through the bullshit long enough for us to have an honest conversation, or have you been lying so long you've forgotten how to tell the truth?"

"I happen to be a very honest person!"


"We didn't sleep in the same room because he didn't want to be tempted."

"Tempted to do what?"

"What do you think?"