"If you let us out of the car, I won't tell Gabe what you did!"

Bobby punched the accelerator. "I'll let you out, okay! Just not yet. I got to get farther away."

"Now! You gotta let us out now! You're scaring Rosie!"

"Shut up! Just shut up, will you?"

The curve came at him too fast. He heard himself make this funny sound in his throat, and then he hit the brakes.

The boy screamed in the back.

The car began to fishtail, and Bobby's mom's face flickered in his head. Mom!

He lost control.

Rachel couldn't stop making whimpering sounds. Please, God… Oh, please… Please...

Gabe's knuckles were white on the Mercedes's steering wheel, his face gray beneath his tan. She knew he was thinking the same thing she was. What if they'd turned the wrong direction on the highway?

She told herself the police would find the children if she and Gabe couldn't. Kristy and Ethan had stayed behind to notify them. And the skid marks at the bottom of the lane had been distinct. Still… They'd already gone over ten miles. What if they'd guessed wrong? Or what if the bastard they were chasing had pulled off onto a side road?

She couldn't think about that. If she did, she'd start screaming.

Gabe sucked in his breath. "The car."

She saw it then. "Oh, God…"

The Range Rover was turned upside down in a ditch ahead to their right. Vehicles had stopped; people were clustered together. There were two patrol cars and an ambulance.

Oh, God… Please… Please, God…

The Mercedes's tires squealed, and a shower of gravel hit the undercarriage as Gabe pulled off the road. He jumped out of the car, and she ran after him, pebbles biting through the soles of the sandals Kristy had tossed at her. She heard him call out to the state trooper standing next to the ambulance.

"The children! Are the children all right?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm—I'm the boy's father."

The trooper jerked his head toward the stretcher. "They're stabilizing the kid now."

Rachel reached the stretcher just after Gabe did. But it wasn't Edward. They gazed down at Bobby Dennis.

Without a word, Gabe spun toward the car and bent over to look inside where one of the doors gaped open. He immediately straightened. "There were two small children with him. A five-year-old boy, and a baby girl."

The trooper grew immediately alert. "Are you saying this kid wasn't the only one in the car?"

Gabe offered a brusque explanation while she ran to look inside the Range Rover. The straps on Rosie's empty car seat dangled. Rachel looked frantically around and saw a white baby shoe in the weeds ten feet from the car.


He raced over to her.

"Look!" she cried. "Rosie's shoe." She squinted against the fading sun and spotted a tiny pink sock hanging in the weeds near a line of trees that marked the edge of a densely wooded area.

Gabe saw the sock at the same time she did. "Let's go."

Without waiting for the trooper, they moved into the woods together. Prickly bushes snagged at her skirt, but she paid no attention. "Edward!"